
This is a selection of my research topics.


The homological discrete vector field is a combinatorial object for manipulating the homology groups.

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Thickness and breadth
Thickness and Breadth

Thickness and breadth are geometrical measures of the holes in an object.

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Thickness and breadth
Geometric Optimization

I am a recurrent member of the Shadoks teams in the annual CG:SHOP optimization challenge organized by the SoCG conference.

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You can find here some documents related to my research.

Presentations and posters

When Where What
Oct 2022 League of Robots Virtual Expo 2024 Paper| Slides
May 2023 DGMM 2022 (Strasbourg, France) Paper| Slides
Jun 2019 Workshop Gestion de la Topologie en Animation, Simulation et Réalité Virtuelle (Paris, France) Slides
Mar 2019 Workshop on Digital Topology and Mathematical Morphology on the occasion of the retirement of Gilles Bertrand (Paris, France) Slides
Mar 2018 Journées du GTMG 2018 (Aix-en-Provence, France) Paper|Slides
Sep 2017 DGCI 2017 (Vienna, Austria) Paper|Slides
May 2017 Journées du GT GDMM 2017 (Poitiers, France) Slides
Mar 2017 Journées du GTMG 2017 (Cachan, France) Slides
Mar 2017 Journées nationales 2017 GdR Informatique Mathématique (Montpellier, France) Poster
Dec 2016 Pejim 2016 (La Laguna, Spain) Slides
Apr 2016 DGCI 2016 (Nantes, France) Paper|Poster
Mar 2016 Journées du GTMG 2016 (Dijon, France) Paper|Slides
Jan 2016 Journées nationales 2016 GdR Informatique Mathématique (Villetaneuse, France) Poster
Dec 2015 Pejim 2015 (La Laguna, Spain) Slides
Nov 2015 AFIG 2015 (Lyon, France) Slides
Nov 2015 FRIIAM LSIS-LIF meeting (Marseille, France) Slides
Sep 2015 CAIP 2015 (Valletta, Malta) Paper|Poster
Jul 2015 ACA 2015 (Kalamata, Greece) Slides
Nov 2014 AFIG 2014 (Reims, France) Paper|Slides
Sep 2014 CTIC 2014 (Timisoara, Romania) Paper|Slides
Jun 2014 G-Mod meeting (Marseille, France) Slides
Nov 2013 G-mod meeting (Arles, France) Slides

