I am a handling editor of Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science and the editor-in-chief of the Graphs and Matroids track of Annals of Combinatorics.
Boundedness for proper conflict-free and odd colorings with Andrea Jiménez, Carla Negri Lintzmayer, Martín Matamala, Juan Pablo Peña, Daniel A. Quiroz, Maycon Sambinelli, Yoshiko Wakabayashi, Weiqiang Yu, and José Zamora
all minimal Cayley graphs of groups on up to 107 elements, (I also have them up to 127) in the file the g6 encoding of each such graph is preceeded by a line of the form n k [some permutations], which gives a representation as Cayley graph of SmallGroup(n,k) as in GAP with respect to generators represented by the permutations
I like to take photos. If you want to see some, click on my nose.