Publications 2005 – …

Cassis, le port / Cassis, the port

Articles dans des revues / Papers in journals

  1. [RJ 21.5] A. Moussa, S. Fournier, K. Mahmoudi, B. Espinasse, S. Faiz (2021), Spatial Role Labeling Based On Dependency Guided Word Embeddings, in: Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier , 2021 In submission.
  2. [RJ 21.4] S. Lamsiyah, A. El Mahdaouy, B. Espinasse and S. Ouatik El Alaoui (2021). Unsupervised Query-Focused Multi-Document Summarization with Fine-Tuned Sentence – BERT Model and Maximal Marginal Relevance, Journal of King Saud University (JKSU) – Computer and Information Sciences, 2021 – In submission.
  3. [RJ 21.1] S. Lamsiyah, A. El Mahdaouy, B. Espinasse and S. Ouatik El Alaoui (2021), Unsupervised Extractive Multi- Document Summarization Method based on Transfer Learning from BERT Multi-Task Fine-Tuning , in: Journal of Information Science (JIS), Sages Edidor,  2021, pdf
  4. [RJ 20.2] S. Lamsiyah, A. El Mahdaouy, B. Espinasse and S. Ouatik El Alaoui (2020), An Unsupervised Method for Extractive Multi-Document Summarization based on Centroid Approach and Sentence Embeddings, in: Expert Systems with Applications, An International Journal (ESWA), Elsevier, vol. 167, page 114152, 2020. pdf
  5. [RJ 20.1] S. Lamsiyah, A. El Mahdaouy,  S. Ouatik El Alaoui, and B. Espinasse (2020),  Unsupervised query‐focused multi‐document summarization based on transfer learning from sentence embedding models, BM25 model, and maximal marginal relevance criterion, in: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (JAIHC), 2000, pdf
  6. [RJ 19.1] R. Lima, B. Espinasse, F. Freitas (2019), A logic-based relational learning approach to relation extraction: The OntoILPER system, in: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI) Journal, Elsevier. Vol. 78C, pp. 142-157. 2019. pdf
  7. [RJ 17.2] I. Daoudi, R. Chebil, E. Tranvouez, W. Lejouad-Chaari, B. Espinasse (2017), Towards a Grid for Characterizing and Evaluating Crisis Management Serious Games: A Survey of the Current State of Art,International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRM), Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 76-95, July-September 2017. pdf
  8. [RJ 17.1]  R. Lima, B. Espinasse, F. Freitas (2017), An Ontology-and inductive logic programming-based system to extract entities and relations from text. Knowledge And Information System (KAIS) Journal, Springer-Verlag, v. 54, pp. 1-33, Springer-Verlag, 2017. pdf
  9. [RJ 16.1]     B. Espinasse, R. Lima, F. Freitas (2016), Extraction automatique d’entités et de relations par ontologies et programmation logique inductive, in: Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (RIA), Vol. 30 (n° 6/2016), 2016 (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). pdf
  10. [RJ 14.2] A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse (2014), A MultiAgent Architecture for Collaborative Serious Game applied to Crisis Management Training: Improving Adaptability of Non Played Characters , in : EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games Journal (ETSGJ), Vol. 2, pp. 11, ISBN: 2034-8800, 2014, pdf
  11. [RJ 14.1] L. El Sarraj, B. Espinasse, T. Libourel (2014), An Ontology-Driven Personalization Approach for Data Warehouse Exploitation , in: International Journal on Advances in Software (IJAS), vol 7, n°2,  2014. 
  12. [RJ 12.1]     B. Espinasse, R. Lima, S. Albitar, S. Fournier, F. Freitas (2012), Extraction adaptative d’information de pages Web par règles d’extraction induites par apprentissage, in: Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (RIA), Vol. 26 (n° 6/2012), pp. 643-678, dec 2012. (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). pdf
  13. [RJ 11.2]     E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2011), Micropolis, une simulation orientée agent de la dynamique d’urbanisation discontinue de territoires soumis au risque d’incendie de forêt, in : Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (RIA), numéro « Simulation Sociale », 2011, 25 (1), pp. 109-134. (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). pdf
  14. [RJ 11.1]     E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2011), Pyroxene: a Territorial Decision Support System Based on Spatial Simulators Integration for Forest Fire Risk Management, International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS), Vol. 2, Issue 2/ 2011. 21 pages, 2011. pdf
  15. [RJ 10]     E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2011), Un outil de modélisation intégrée de la dynamique du risque d’incendie de forêt pour l’aide à la planification territoriale, in: Journal of Decision Systems (JDS), Vol. 20/1, déc. 2010, pp. 71-102 (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). pdf
  16. [RJ 09.3]     E. Maillé, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, Des agents spatiaux multi-échelle pour l’intégration multi-échelle de modèles de dynamiques spatiales, in: Revue Internationale de Géomatique – International Journal of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis (IJGSA), Lavoisier Ed ., Vol. 19, n°4/déc. 2009, pp. 523-549. (Répertoriée ProQuest). pdf
  17. [RJ 09.2]     B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, F. Freitas (2009), AGATHE: An Agent- and Ontology-Based System for Gathering Information about Restricted Web Domains, in: International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR), vol. 5, n° 3, pp. 14-34, Juillet-Septembre 2009. (Répertoriée Scopus). pdf
  18. [RJ 09.1]     B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, F. Freitas (2009), Collecte d’information sur domaines restreints du Web à base d’agents et d’ontologie : le système AGATHE, in: Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (RIA), Numéro spécial Intelligence artificielle et web intelligence, sous la direction de Y. Demazeau et L. Vercouter, vol. 23, n°1/2009, pp. 81-113. (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). pdf
  19. [RJ 08.2]     F. Freitas, L. Cabral, R. Lima, B. Espinasse, E. Palmeira, S. Fournier, G. Bittencourt (2008), From MASTER-Web to AGATHE: the evolution of an architecture for manipulating information over the Web using ontologies, in: RECIIS, vol. 2, n° 1, pp. 73-84, 2008. (Répertoriée LatIndex). pdf-English pdf-Portugais
  20. [RJ 08.1]     J. Serment, B. Espinasse, E. Tranvouez (2008), Systèmes d’Aide à la Décision Environnementale, in: Journal of Decision Systems (JDS),vol. 17, n°2 / 2008, pp. 269 – 300, April – June 2008. (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). pdf
  21. [RJ 07]     O. Labarthe, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini, B. Montreuil (2007), Toward a methodological framework for agent-based modelling and simulation of supply chains in a mass customization context, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory International Journal (SIMPAT), Volume 15 – issue 2 – pp.113-136. (Répertoriée ISI Web Of Knowledge – Impact Factor : 0.753). pdf
  22. [RJ 06]     O. Labarthe, A. Ferrarini, B. Espinasse, B. Montreuil (2006), Multi-Agent Modelling for Simulation of Customer-Centric Supply Chain, in: International Journal of Simulation & Process Modelling (IJSPM), special issue : Supply Chain Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 2, Nos. 3/4, pp.150-163. (Répertoriée Scopus). pdf
  23. [RJ 05.2]     O. Labarthe, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini, B. Montreuil (2005), A Methodological Approach for Agent Based Simulation of Mass Customizing Supply Chains, in: Journal of Decision Systems (JDS), vol. 14, n° 4, pp. 397 – 425. (Répertoriée Scopus et DBLP). pdf
  24. [RJ 05.1]     B. Espinasse, N. Franchesquin (2005), Multiagent Modelling and Simulation of the Hydraulic Management of the Camargue, in: SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, vol. 81, n° 3, pp. 201-221. (Répertoriée ISI Web of Knowledge). pdf
Autres revues / Other journals
  1. [RJ 17] B. Espinasse, P. Bellot (2017), Introduction au Big-Data: opportunités, stockage et analyse des mégadonnées, in : Dossiers Techniques de l’Ingénieur (DTI). 21 pages, février 2017.
  2. [RJ 11]    L. El Sarraj, S. Rodier, B. Espinasse (2011), Entrepôt de données autour du PMSI pour le pilotage d’établissements hospitaliers, Techniques Hospitalières, TH 729, Sept.-Oct. 2011, pp. 49-52. pdf

Chapitres de livre / Chapters in book

  1. [CB 11] B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, F. Freites, S. Aalbitar, R. Lima. AGATHE-2: An Adaptive, Ontology-based Information Gathering Multi-agent System for Restricted Web Domains. In E-Business Applications for Product Development and Competitive Growth: Emerging technologies. Lee (Western Illinois University, USA). pp  236-260. pdf

Articles dans des conférences internationales / Papers in international conferences

  1. [IC 22.6] M. Mallek, R. Guetari, S. Fournier, W. Lejouad Chaari, B. Espinasse. Context–aware Relation Classification based on Deep Learning, 34th International Conference on Tool with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 2022 , 31 Oct.-2 Nov. 2022, Virtual Event. pdf
  2. [IC 22.5] M. Mallek, R. Guetari, S. Fournier, W. Lejouad Chaari, B. Espinasse. Accurate Context Extraction from Unstructured Text Based on Deep Learning, 21st IEEE/WIC/ACM WI-IAT Conference, WI-IAT 2022, November 17-20, 2022, Niagara Falls, Canada. pdf
  3. [IC 22.4] R. Hijazi, B. Espinasse, N. Gala. GRASS: A Syntactic Text Simplification System Based on Semantic Representations, 11th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, NLP 2022, September 17~18, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark. pdf
  4. [IC 22.3] A. Moussa, S. Fournier, K. Mahmoudi, B. Espinasse, S. Faiz. Mixing Word Embeddings and RoBERTa for Spatial Role Labeling, 26th Annual KES Conference, KES 2022, Verona, Italy, 7-9 September 2022. pdf
  5. [IC 22.2] Y Duperis, A-G. Chifu, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier and A. Kuehn. Deep Unordered Composition for Multi-label Classification applied to Skills Prediction, Joint Conference of the Information Retrieval Communities in Europe, CIRCLE-2022, Toulouse, France, 4-7th July 2022. pdf
  6. [IC 22.1] I. Nascimento, R. Lima, A. Chifu, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier. DeepREF: A Framework for Optimized Deep Learning-based Relation Classification. 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2022, Marseille, 20 – 25 June 2022. pdf
  7. [IC 21.2] A. Moussa, S. Fournier, K. Mahmoudi, B. Espinasse, S. Faiz. Spatial Role Labeling System Capturing Both Characters and Word Information Using BiLSTM and CRF , MDAI 2021 (Core Rank B). pdf
  8. [IC 21.1] A. Moussa, S. Fournier, K. Mahmoudi, B. Espinasse, S. Faiz, Spatial Role Labeling based on Improved Pre-trained Word Embeddings and Transfer Learning , KES 2021, Szczecin, Poland, 8-10 september 2021 (Core Rank B). pdf
  9. [IC 20.5]   S. Lamsiyah, A. El Mahdaouy, B. Espinasse and S. Ouatik El Alaoui, Unsupervised Query-Focused Multi-Document Summarization using uSIF Sentence Embedding Model and Maximal Marginal Relevance Criterion, long paper, AI2SD 2020 – International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems, Marrakech – Morocco,  21-26 december 2020. pdf
  10. [IC 20.4]   M. Paixao, R. Lima, B. Espinasse, Fake News Classification and Topic Modeling in Brazilian Portugues, WI-IAT 2020 , IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT’20), 14-17 December 2020 – A Fully Virtual Conference. pdf
  11. [IC 20.3]   M. Mallek, S. Fournier, R. Guetari, B. Espinasse and W. Lejouad Chaari, An Unsupervised Approach for Precise Context Identification from Unstructured Text Documents, ICTAI 2020 – 32th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, November 09-11, 2020, Virtual Conference. pdf
  12. [IC 20.2]   I. Daoudi, E. Tranvouez, R. Chebil, B. Espinasse, and W. Lejouad-Chaari, An EDM-based Multimodal Method for Assessing Learners’ Affective States in Collaborative Crisis Management Serious Games, Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, EDM 2020, July 10-13, Fully virtual conference. pdf
  13. [IC 20.1]    F. Rodrigues, R. Lima, W. Domingues, R. Fidalgo, A. Chifu, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, DeepNLPF: A Framework for Integrating Third-Party NLP Tools, 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2020, Marseille, 11 – 16 May 2020. pdf
  14. [IC 19.3] R. Lima, S.  B. Espinasse, F. Freitas, The Impact of Semantic Linguistic Features in Relation Extraction: A Logical Relational Learning Approach, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, long paper, RANLP 2019, Varna, Bulgaria, September 2-4, 2019. pdf
  15. [IC 19.2]   S. Lamsiyah, A. El Mahdaouy, S. Ouatik El Alaoui, and B. Espinasse, A Supervised Method for Extractive Single Document Summarization based on Sentence Embeddings and Neural Networks, long paper, AI2SD’2019, International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems, Marrakech – Morocco,  08-11 july 2019. pdf
  16. [IC 19.1] B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, A. Chifu, G. Guibon, R. Azcurra, V. Mace, On the Use of Dependencies in Relation Classification of Text with Deep Learning, 20 International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, long paper, CICLing 2019, La Rochelle, France, April 7 to 13, 2019. pdf
  17. [IC 18.1] R. Garcia, R. Lima, B. Espinasse, H. Oliveira, Towards Coherent Single-Document Summarization: An Integer Linear Programming-based Approach, 33th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, long paper, ACM-SAC 2018, Pau, France, 9-13 April, 2018. 
  18. [IC 17.1] I. Daoudi, E. Tranvouez, R. Chebil, B. Espinasse, and W. Lejouad-Chaari, Learners’ Assessment and Evaluation in Serious Games: Approaches and Techniques Review, Springer International Publishing AG 2017, 
I.M. Dokas et al. (Eds.): ISCRAM-med 2017, Oct 18-20, 2017, LNBIP 301, pp. 1–7, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-67633-3-12. pdf
  19. [IC 15.2]   R. Lima, S.  B. Espinasse, F. Freitas, Relation Extraction from Texts with Symbolic Rules Induced by Inductive Logic Programming , IEEE  International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, long paper, IEEE-ICTAI 2015, Vietri sul Mar, Italy, 9-11 nov. 2015. pdf
  20. [IC 15.1] A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, Improving Players’ Assessment in Crisis Management Serious Games: The SIMFOR Project, Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries: Second International Conference, long paper, ISCRAM-med 2015, Springer, Vol. 233, pp. 85, oct 2015. pdf
  21. [IC 14.2]    S. Albitar, S.  Fournier, B. Espinasse,  An Effective TF/IDF-Based Text-to-Text Semantic Similarity Measure for Text Classification, long paper, WISE 2014, springer, Vol. 8786, pp. 105-114, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , oct 2014. pdf
  22. [IC 14.1]    R. Lima, B. Espinasse, H. Oliveira, F. Freitas, Ontology Population from the Web: an Inductive Logic Programming-Based Approach, 11th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, long paper, ITNG 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 7-9, 2014. pdf
  23. [IC 14.2]    S. Albitar, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, (2014), Semantic Enrichments in Text Supervised Classification: Application to Medical Domain, long paper, FLAIRS 2014, The 27th International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society, Pensacola Beach, Florida, USA, May 21-23, 2014. pdf
  24. [IC 13.7]    R. Lima, B. Espinasse, H. Oliveira, L. Pentagrossa, F. Freitas, Information Extraction from the Web: An Ontology–Based Method using Inductive Logic Programming, IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, long paper, IEEE-ICTAI 2013, Washington DC, USA, November 4-6, 2013. pdf
  25. [IC 13.6]    L. El Saraj, B. Espinasse, T. Libourel, S. Rodier, Towards Ontology-Driven Approach for Data Warehouse Analysis, The Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, long paper, ICSEA 2013, Venice, Italy, October 27 – November 1, 2013. pdf
  26. [IC 13.5]    A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, A Multi-Agent Architecture for collaborative Serious Game applied to Crisis Management training: improving adaptability of Non Played Characters, The 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2013, Porto, Portugal, October 3-4, 2013. pdf
  27. [IC 13.4]    R. Lima, B. Espinasse, H. Oliveira, R. Ferreira, L. Cabral, F. Freitas, R. Gadelha, An Inductive Logic Programming-Based Approach for Ontology Population from the Web, long paper, DEXA 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, August 26-29, 2013. pdf
  28. [IC 13.3]    S. Khouri, L. El Saraj, L. Bellatreche, B. Espinasse, N. Berkanil, S. Rodier, T. Libourel, CiDHouse: Contextual SemantIc Data WareHouses, long paper, DEXA 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, August 26-29, 2013.  pdf
  29. [IC 13.2]    A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Serious Game for Crisis Management: a Multi-Agents Integration Architecture, long paper, 22nd IEEE WETICE 2013, 3rd Track on Collaborative Technology for Coordinating Crisis Management, Hammamet, Tunisia, June 17-20, 2013. pdf
  30. [IC 13.1]    A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, A Multi-Agent System for Learner Assessment in Serious Games: application to learning processes in Crisis Management, 7th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, IEEE-RCIS 2013, Paris, France, May 29-31, 2013.  pdf
  31. [IC 12.6]    H. Hamdan, S. Albitar, P. Bellot, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, (2012), LSIS at TREC 2012 Medical Track – Experiments with Conceptualization, a DFR Model and a Semantic Measure, The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2012, Notebook, Vol. Special Publication, pp. 12 p., Gaithersburg, USA, Nov. 2012.  pdf
  32. [IC 12.5]    S. Albitar, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, (2012), Conceptualization Effects on MEDLINE Documents Classification Using Rocchio Method, long paper, WI 2012, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Macau, December 4-7, 2012.  pdf 
  33. [IC 12.4]    S. Albitar, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, (2012), The Impact of Conceptualization on Text Classification, long paper, WISE 2012, 13th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering, Paphos, Cyprus, November 28-30, 2012.  pdf
  34. [IC 12.3]    A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, (2012), An Intelligent Tutoring System for SIMFOR: A Serious Game for Crises Management, long paper, CSEIT 2012, 3rd Annual International Conference on Computer Science Education: Innovation and Technology, Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore, November 19-20, 2012. pdf
  35. [IC 12.2]    S. Albitar, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, (2012), Towards a Semantic Classifier Committee based on Rocchio, Poster in proceedings of long paper, STAIRS 2012, 6th Starting Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium, Montpellier, France, August 27-28, 2012.  pdf
  36. [IC 12.1]    S. Albitar, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier (2012), Towards a Supervised Rocchio-based Semantic Classification of Web Pages, long paper, KES 2012, 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, San Sebastian, Spain, 10-12 Sept. 2012. pdf
  37. [IC 11.2]    K. Mustapha, E. Tranvouez, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini (2011), An Agent-based and Organization oriented Software Architecture for Supply Chains Simulation, IEEE-ETFA 2011, 16th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Toulouse, France, 5-9 sept. 2011. pdf
  38. [IC 11.1]    T. Pire, B. Espinasse, A. Casali, C. Deco, (2011), Automatic Extraction of Learning Objects Metadata for Recommendation: a comparative study. InfoEdu 2011, Convergent Technologies, Integration and Independence Conference, Habana, Cuba, February 7-11, 2011. pdf-English  pdf-Spanish
  39. [IC 10.5]    S. Albitar, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier (2010), Combining Agents and Wrapper Induction for Information Gathering on Restricted Web Domains, IEEE-RCIS 2010, Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Nice, France, May 19-21, 2010.  pdf
  40. [IC 10.4]    K. Mustapha, E. Tranvouez, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini (2010), An Organization-oriented Methodological Framework for Agent-Based Supply Chain Simulation, IEEE-RCIS 2010, 5th International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Nice, France, May 19-21, 2010.  pdf
  41. [IC 10.3]    K. Mustapha, E. Tranvouez, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini (2010), Agent-Based Supply Chain Simulation: Towards an Organization-Oriented Methodological Framework, MOSIM 2010 Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 10-12, 2010. pdf 
  42. [IC 10.2]    R. Lima, B. Espinasse, F. Freitas (2010), An Adaptive Information Extraction System based on Wrapper Induction with POS Tagging complexes, ACM-SAC 2010, 25th ACM Symposium of Applied Computing, Sierre, Switzerland, March 22-26, 2010.  pdf
  43. [IC 10.1]    E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2010), Modelling Forest Fire Risk Change Related to Land Cover Change: an Integrative Approach, LandMod 2010, International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling, Montpellier, France, February 3-5, 2010. pdf 
  44. [IC 09.1]    R. Lima, B. Espinasse, F. Freitas (2009), Adaptive Information Extraction from Web Pages by Supervised Wrapper Induction, WFB 2009, Workshop Franco-Brésilien sur la fouille de données, Universitade Federale de Pernambuco – CNAM Paris, Recife, Brazil, May 5-7, 2009.  pdf
  45. [IC 08.2]     J. P. Barreto Neto, M. F. Q. Vieira and B. Espinasse (2008), A Multiagent-Based Architecture to Support Power System Recovery Decision Making, IEEE-MELECON, 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Ajaccio, France, May 5-7, 2008.  pdf
  46. [IC 08.1]     B. Espinasse, Fred Freitas, S. Fournier (2008), Agent and Ontology based Information Gathering on Restricted Web Domains with AGATHE, ACM-SAC 2008, 23th ACM Symposium of Applied Computing, March, 2008, Fortaleza, Cearé, Brazil, March 16-20, 2008.  pdf
  47. [IC 07.4]    E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2007), Un cadre de modélisation pour la simulation de dynamiques spatiales complexes, SAGEO 2007, Colloque international de géomatique et d’analyse spatiale, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 18-19 Juin 2007.  pdf
  48. [IC 07.3]    O. Labarthe, A. Ferrarini, B. Montreuil, B. Espinasse (2007), Coordination de chaînes logistiques centrées consommateurs : modélisations et simulations orientées agents. Démarche et résultats, CIGI 2007, 7e Congrés International de Génie Industriel, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 5-8 juin 2007. pdf 
  49. [IC 07.2]    R. Lima, B. Espinasse, F. Freitas (2007), Sistema multiagentes para apio decisao na operarao de sistema , SBIA 2007 Simposio, Salvador, Brasil, October 8-10, 2007.
  50. [IC 07.2]     B. Espinasse, F. Freitas, S. Fournier (2007), AGATHE: an Agent and Ontology based System for Restricted-Domain Information Gathering on the Web, IEEE-RCIS 2007, International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Ouarzazate, Moroco, April 23-26, 2007.  pdf
  51. [IC 07.1]     B. Espinasse, J. Serment, E. Tranvouez (2007), An Agent Integration Infrastructure for the Development of Environmental Decision Support Systems based on Simulation, IMSM 2007 (International Modeling and Simulation Multiconference) – CMS (Conceptual Modelling and Simulation) Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentine, February 8-10, 2007.  pdf
  52. [IC 06.4]     J. Serment, B. Espinasse, E. Tranvouez (2006), Environmental Decision Support System for Hydraulic Management of the Camargue: Functionalities and Software Architecture, IEEE-ISEIM 2006, Corte-Ajaccio, July 10-13, 2006. pdf
  53. [IC 06.3]     E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2006), Decision Support for Forest Fire Risk Evaluation: Dynamic Modelling and Spatio-Temporal Integration, IEEE-ISEIM 2006, Corte-Ajaccio, July 10-13, 2006. pdf
  54. [IC 06.2]    E. Tranvouez, A. Ferrarini, B. Espinasse (2006), Cooperative Disruption Management in Industrial Systems: a Multiagent Approach, INCOM 2006, Special Track on Holonic and Multi-agent Technologies for Industrial Systems, Saint Etienne, 17-19 May 2006. pdf
  55. [IC 06.1]    J. Serment, B. Espinasse, E. Tranvouez (2006) , Vers une infrastructure d’intégration pour le développement de systèmes d’aide à la décision environnementale, MOSIM 2006, 6ième Conférence Internationale de Modélisation et Simulation, Rabat, Maroc, 5 avril 2006. pdf
  56. [IC 05.3]    F. Turnell, B. Espinasse, G. Avantini (2005), Supply Restoration in Electric Distribution Networks: a Multi-agent Approach, I3M 2005, International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, vol. 2, October 20-22, 2005.  pdf
  57. [IC 05.2]    J. Serment, B. Espinasse (2005), For a Generic Software Architecture Facilitating Environmental Decision Support System Development : Illustration with the Camargue Ecosystem, CABM-HEMA-SMAGET 2005, Joint Conference on Multi-Agent Modelling for Environmental Management , Bourg-Saint-Maurice Les Arcs, France, March 21-25, 2005. pdf
  58. [IC 05.1]    E. Maillé, B. Espinasse (2005), From Systems Coupling to Spatio-Temporal Integration in Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS), CABM-HEMA-SMAGET 2005, Joint Conference on Multi-Agent Modelling for Environmental Management, Bourg-Saint-Maurice Les Arcs, France, March 21-25, 2005. pdf

Articles dans des conférences nationales / Papers in national conferences

  1. [NC 21]  Y. Duperis, A. Chifu, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, A. Kuehn (2021). « Vers un système de recommandation de profils experts dans l’industrie des procédés ». 17ème édition de la COnférence en Recherche d’Information et Applications, CORIA 2021, 14 – 16 avril 2021. pdf
  2. [NC 20]  Daoudi I., Tranvouez E., Chebil R., Espinasse B., Chaari W.L. (2020). « Vers la prise en compte de l’émotion de l’apprenant dans l’adaptation des jeux sérieux ». 8e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en EIAH, RJC EIAH 2020, atelier 1 : Adaptation et génération dans les EIAH. pdf
  3. [NC 19]  Daoudi I., Tranvouez E., Chebil R., Espinasse B., Chaari W.L. (2019), « Vers une Grille d’Analyse Multicritères pour la Caractérisation et l’Evaluation des Jeux Sérieux en Gestion de Crises ». Colloque Jeux et enjeux, 13-15 Mai 2019, Marseille, France. pdf
  4. [NC 18]   Daoudi I., Chebil R., Tranvouez E., Chaari W.L., Espinasse B. (2018). De l’évaluation à l’adaptation d’un environnement de jeu sérieux : application au domaine de gestion de crise ». (poster) Collège Doctoral Maghrébin en Entrepreneuriat, 12-17 Novembre 2018, Marrakech, Maroc. pdf
  5. [NC 18]  S. Lamsiyah, S. Ouatik El Alaoui, B. Espinasse., «Résumés automatique guidés de textes : Etat de l’art et perspectives » –  CORIA-TALN-RJC 2018 – Rennes, 14 au 18 Mai 2018, France. pdf
  6. [NC 16]   B. Espinasse, Lima R., Magdy D., « Extraction automatique d’entités et de relations par ontologies et programmation logique inductive » , Journée Francophones sur les Ontologies – JFO 2016, 13-14 Octobre 2016, Bordeaux, France. pdf
  7. [NC 14]    S. Albitar, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, « L’impact de l’enrichissement sémantique sur la classification de textes: Application au domaine médical », 6ème Atelier Recherche d’Information SEmantique, RISE 2014, mar 2014, pdf 
  8. [NC 14]    L. El Sarraj, B. Espinasse, T. Libourel, « Personnalisation de l’exploitation d’un entrepôt de données dirigée par des ontologies : application au management hospitalier », 10 ième journées francophones sur les Entrepôts de Données et l’Analyse en ligne, EDA 2014, Vichy, 05 au 06 juin 2014. pdf
  9. [NC 13]    A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, « Evaluation Multi-critères et Distribuée pour l’Apprentissage Collectif de Procédures dans un Jeux Sérieux pour la Gestion de Crise », Conférence EIAH 2013, Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse – IRIT, hal-00824333, Toulouse, France, 29- 31 mai 2013. pdf
  10. [NC 12]    A. Oulhaci, E. Tranvouez, S. Fournier, B. Espinasse, (2012), « Un Système tutoriel intelligent pour SIMFOR: Un jeu sérieux pour la gestion des risques », SYSCO 2012, 1ère conférence francophone sur les Systèmes Collaboratifs, Sousse, Tunisie, 28-30 septembre 2012. pdf
  11. [NC 11.2]    L. El Sarraj, S. Rodier, B. Espinasse, « Entrepôt de données autour du PMSI pour le pilotage d’établissements hospitaliers », 17ième Journées d’études et de formation des techniques et de l’Ingénierie hospitalières, HOPITEC 2011, Bordeaux, 12-14 octobre 2011. pdf
  12. [NC 11.1]    L. El Sarraj, B. Espinasse, T. Libourel, S. Rodier, « Entrepôts de données de santé autour du PMSI », INFORSID 2011,  Lille, 24-27 mai 2011. pdf-Poster  pdf-Résumé
  13. [NC 09]    E. Maillé, B. Espinasse, S. Fournier, (2009), « Pyroxène: un système d’aide à la décision territoriale par intégration de simulateurs spatiaux. Application à l’évolution de la carte du risque d’incendie de forêt », in. Sandro Bimonte, André Miralles, François Pinet (eds.), 2ième Atelier SIDE 2009, INFORSID 2009, Systèmes d’Information et de Décision pour l’Environnement, Toulouse, France, 29 mai 2009. pdf
  14. [NC 07]    B. Espinasse, S. Fournier et F. Freitas (2007) « AGATHE : une architecture générique à base d’agents et d’ontologies pour la collecte d’information sur domaines restreints du Web », CORIA 2007, 4° Conférence francophone en recherche d’information et applications, Saint-Étienne, 28 – 30 mars 2007. pdf