J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, K. Knauer, Geometry of convex geometries (submitted).

V. Chepoi, Separation axiom S3 for geodesic convexity in graphs (submitted) [Slides].

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, Boundary rigidity of finite CAT(0) cube complexes (submitted) [Slides].

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, F. McInerney, S. Ratel, Non-clashing teaching maps for balls in graphs, In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2024), 2024.

M. Carmona, V. Chepoi, G. Naves, P. Préa, Modules and PQ-trees in Robinson spaces (submitted).

M. Carmona, V. Chepoi, G. Naves, P. Préa, A simple and optimal algorithm for strict circular seriation, SIAM J. Mathematics of Data Science, 5 (2023), 201-221.

M. Carmona, V. Chepoi, G. Naves, P. Préa, Modules in Robinson spaces, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, 38 (2024), 190-224.

M. Carmona, V. Chepoi, G. Naves, P. Préa, Two simple but efficient algorithms to recognize Robinson dissimilarities, Journal of Classification (2023).

J. Chalopin, M. Changat, V. Chepoi, J. Jacob, First-order logic axiomatization of metric graph theory Theoretical Computer Science 913 (2024), 114460.

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, F. McInerney, S. Ratel, Y. Vaxès, Sample compression schemes for balls in graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, 37 (2023), 2585-2616, short varsion: MFCS 2022.

V. Chepoi, K. Kanuer, M. Philibert, Labeled sample compression schemes for complexes of oriented matroids, Journal of Computer and System Science (in print).

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, U. Giocanti, Graphs with convex balls, Geom. Dedicata 217 (2023), article number 67.

L. Bénéteau, J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, Y. Vaxès, ABC(T)-graphs: an axiomatic characterization of the median procedure in graphs with connected and G^2-connected medians (submitted).

L. Bénéteau, J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, Y. Vaxès, Graphs with G^p-connected medians, Mathematical Programming, Ser B, 203 (2024), 369-420.

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, A. Genevois, H. Hirai, and D. Osajda, Helly groups, Geometry and Topology (in print).

V. Chepoi, K. Knauer, and M. Philibert, Ample completions of OMs and CUOMs, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, 36 (2022), 505--535.

V. Chepoi, A. Labourel, and S. Ratel, Distance labeling schemes for K4-free bridged graphs, Information and Computation 289 (Part): 104959 (2022), short version: SIROCCO 2020, pp.310-327.

L. Bénéteau, J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, and Y. Vaxès, Medians in median graphs in linear time, Journal of Computer and System Science 126 (2022), 80-105, short version: ICALP 2020, pp.10:1-10:17.

V. Chepoi, K. Knauer, and M. Philibert, Two-dimensional partial cubes, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27(3): P3.29 (2020).

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, H. Hirai, D. Osajda, Weakly modular graphs and nonpositive curvature, Memoirs of American Mathematical Society, 268 (2020), no 1309, 159 pp.

V. Chepoi, K. Knauer, T. Marc, Hypercellular graphs: partial cubes without Q3- as partial cube minor, Discrete Mathematics 343 (2020), 111678.

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, S. Moran, M. Warmuth, Unlabeled sample compression schemes and corner peelings for ample and maximum classes, Journal of Computer and System Science, 127 (2022), 1-28, short version: ICALP 2019, pp.34:1-34:15.

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, 1-Safe Petri nets and special cube complexes: equivalence and applications, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. 20, No. 3, Article 17, 49 pages.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, M. Habib, Y. Vaxès, H. Al-Rasheed, Fast approximation of centrality and distances in hyperbolic graphs, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 23 (2019), pp.393-433, short version: COCOA 2018, pp. 3–15.

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, G. Ducoffe, A. Mohammed, and Y. Vaxès, Fast approximation and exact computation of negative curvature parameters of graphs, Discrete and Computational Geometry 65 (2021), 856-892, short version: SoCG 2018: pp.22:1-22:15

V. Chepoi, A. Labourel, and S. Ratel, Distance and routing labeling schemes for cube-free median graphs, Algorithmica, 83 (2021) 252-296, short version: MFCS 2019, pp. 15:1-15:14.

V. Chepoi, A. Labourel, and S. Ratel, On density of subgraphs of Cartesian products, J. Graph Theory 93 (2020), 64-87.

V. Chepoi, A. Labourel, and S. Ratel, On density of subgraphs of halved cubes, European J. Combinatorics 80 (2019), 57-70, memorial volume for Michel Deza.

. J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, A counterexample to Thiagarajan's conjecture, Journal of Computer and System Science 113 (2020), 76-100, short version: ICALP 2017, pp. 101:1–101:14.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Y. Vaxès, Core congestion is inherent in hyperbolic networks, SODA 2017, pp. 2264–2279.

V. Chepoi, B. Estellon, G. Naves, Packing and covering with balls on Busemann surfaces, Discrete and Computational Geometry 57 (2017), 985–1011.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, K. Knauer, COMs: complexes of oriented matroids, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 156 (2018), 195–237.

V. Chepoi, Distance-preserving subgraphs of Johnson graphs, Combinatorica, 37 (2017), 1039–1055.

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, P. Papasoglu, T. Pecatte Cop and robber game and hyperbolicity, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 28 (2014), 1987–2007.

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, G. Naves, Isometric embedding of Busemann surfaces into L1, Discrete and Computational Geometry 53 (2015), 16–37.

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, D. Osajda, On two conjectures of Maurer concerning basis graphs of matroids, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B 114 (2015), 1–32.

B. Bresar, J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, T. Gologranc, D. Osajda, Bucolic complexes, Advances Mathematics, 243 (2013), 127–167.

V. Chepoi, M. Hagen, On embeddings of CAT(0) cube complexes into products of trees via colouring their hyperplanes, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B 103 (2013), 428–467.

V. Chepoi, D. Osajda, Dismantlability of weakly systolic complexes and applications, Transactions American Mathematical Society 367 (2015), 1247–1272.

V. Chepoi, Nice labeling problem for event structures: a counterexample, SIAM J. Computing 41 (2012), 715–727.

N. Catusse, V. Chepoi, K. Nouioua, Y. Vaxès, Bidirected minimum Manhattan network problem, Networks 69 (2017), 167–178.

B. Bresar, J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, M. Kovse, A. Labourel, Y. Vaxès, Retracts of products of chordal graphs, J. Graph Theory 73 (2013), 161–180.

V. Chepoi, S. Felsner, Approximating hitting sets of axis-parallel rectangles with opposite corners separated by a monotone curve, Computational Geometry, 46 (2013), 1036–1041.

V. Chepoi, D. Maftuleac, Shortest path problem in rectangular complexes of global nonpositive curvature Computational Geometry, 46 (2013), 51–64.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, I. Newman, Y. Rabinovich, and Y. Vaxès, Constant approximation algorithms for embedding graph metrics into trees and outerplanar graphs,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 47 (2012), 187–214, short version: APPROX-RANDOM 2010.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, D. Eppstein, Ramified rectilinear polygons: coordinatization by dendrons, Discrete and Computational Geometry 54 (2015), 771–797.

N. Catusse, V. Chepoi, K. Nouioua, Y. Vaxès, Minimum Manhattan network problem in normed planes with polygonal balls: a factor 2.5 approximation algorithm,
Algorithmica 62 (2012), 551–567.

N. Catusse, V. Chepoi, Y. Vaxès, Planar hop Spanners for unit disk graphs ALGOSENSORS 2010, 16–30.

J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, N. Nisse, Y. Vaxès Cop and robber games when the robber can hide and ride SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 25 (2011) 333–359.

N. Catusse, V. Chepoi, Y. Vaxès, Embedding into the rectilinear plane in optimal O(n^2) time Theoretical Computer Science 412 (2011) 2425–2433.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, D. Eppstein, Combinatorics and geometry of finite and infinite squaregraphs SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 24 (2010) 1399–1440.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, B. Estellon, M. Habib, Y. Vaxès, Diameters, centers, and approximating trees of delta-hyperbolic geodesic spaces and graphs,
Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG'2008, pp.59–68.

V. Chepoi, M. Seston, Seriation in the presence of errors: an approximation algorithm for fitting Robinson structures to dissimilarity matrices,
Algorithmica 59 (2011) 521–568, short version: STACS'2009.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, B. Estellon, M. Habib, Y. Vaxès, Y. Xiang, Additive spanners and distance and routing labeling schemes for delta-hyperbolic graphs,
Algorithmica 62 (2012) 713–732.

V. Chepoi, N. Creignou, M. Hermann, and G. Salzer, Helly property and satisfiability of Boolean formulas defined on set systems,
European J. Combinatorics, 31 (2010), 502–516, short version: ISMVL'2008, pp. 100-105.

V. Chepoi, K. Nouioua, E. Thiel and Y. Vaxès, Pareto envelopes in simple polygons, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 20 (2010), 707–721
short version: European Workshop on Computational Geometry, EWCG'2008.

V. Chepoi, B. Estellon, Packing and covering delta-hyperbolic spaces by balls, APPROX-RANDOM'07, August 20-22, 2007, Princeton, USA.

V. Chepoi, T. Févat, E. Godard, and Y. Vaxès, A self-stabilizing algorithm for the median problem in partial rectangular grids and their relatives,
Algorithmica 62 (2012) 146-168, short version: SIROCCO'07, 2007, pp. 81-95.

V. Chepoi, K. Nouioua, Pareto envelopes in R^3 under l_1 and l_infty distance functions, (slides) Symposium on Computational Geometry SoCG'2007, pp. 284-293.

V. Chepoi, B. Fichet, M. Seston, Seriation in the presence of errors: NP-hardness of l_infty-fitting Robinson structures to dissimilarity matrices. J. Classification 26 (2009), 279-296.

V. Chepoi, B. Estellon, Y. Vaxès, On covering planar graphs with a fixed number of balls, Discrete and Computational Geometry 37 (2007), 237-244.

V. Chepoi, B. Estellon, K. Nouioua, Y. Vaxès, Mixed covering of trees and the augmentation problem with odd diameter constraints Algorithmica 45 (2006), 209-226.

V. Chepoi, B. Estellon, Y.Vaxès, Approximation algorithms for forests augmentation ensuring two disjoint paths of bounded length,
Theoretical Computer Science 401 (2008), 131-143. short version WADS'2005, pp. 282-293.

V. Chepoi, K. Nouioua, Y.Vaxès, A rounding algorithm for approximating minimum Manhattan networks,
Theoretical Computer Science, 390 (2008), 56-69 and short version APPROX-RANDOM'2005, pp. 40-51.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, Metric graph theory and geometry: a survey, Surveys on Discrete and Computational Geometry: Twenty Years Later,
J.E. Goodman, J. Pach, and R. Pollack (eds), Contemp. Math., 453 (2008), pp. 49-86.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Y.Vaxès, Distance and routing problems in plane graphs of non-positive curvature, Journal of Algorithms 61 (2006) 1-30.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, The algebra of metric betweenness I: subdirect representation and retracts European J. Combinatorics 28 (2007), 1640-1661.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, The algebra of metric betweenness II: axiomatics of weakly median graphs. European J. Combinatorics 29 (2008), 676-700.

V. Chepoi, Basis graphs of even Delta-matroids. J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 97 (2007), 175-192.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, A. Dress, J. Koolen, Combinatorics of lopsided sets, European J. Combinatorics 27 (2006), 669-689.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Y.Vaxès, Distance-based location update and routing in irregular cellular networks, SAWN'05, pp. 380-387.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Y. Vaxès. Addressing, distances and routing in triangular systems with applications in cellular and sensor networks,
Wireless Networks 12 (2006) 671-679, also WMAN'04.

V. Chepoi, C.Fanciullini, Y.Vaxès, Median problem in some plane triangulations and quadrangulations, Computational Geometry 27 (2004) 193-210.

V. Chepoi, H. Noltemeier, Y. Vaxès, Upgrading trees under diameter and budget constraints, Networks 41 (2003) 24-35.

V. Chepoi, F. F. Dragan, Chenyu Yan, Additive sparse spanners for graphs with bounded length of largest induced cycle.
Theoretical Computer Science 347 (2005), 54-75, also CIAC'03 pp. 96-107.

V. Chepoi, Y. Vaxès, On covering planar bridged triangulations with balls, J. Graph Theory 44 (2003), 65-80.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, 1-Hyperbolic graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 16 (2003) 323-334.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Y. Vaxès, Center and diameter problem in planar quadrangulations and triangulations, SODA'02, pp. 346-355.

V. Chepoi, A. Rollin, Interval routing in some planar networks, Theoretical Computer Science 290 (2003) 1503-1540, also SIROCCO'01, pp. 89-104.

V. Chepoi, Y. Vaxès, Augmenting trees to meet connectivity and diameter constraints, Algorithmica 33 (2002), 243-262.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, Graphs with connected medians, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 16 (2002), 268-282.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Finding a central vertex in HHD-free graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 131 (2003), 93-111.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, A. Dress, J. Koolen, Geometry of lopsided sets, (unpublished).

V. Chepoi, Graphs of some CAT(0) complexes, Advances Applied Mathematics 24 (2000), 125-179.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, A. Karzanov, A characterization of minimizable metrics in the multifacility location problem, European J. Combinatorics 21 (2000), 715-725.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, A note on distance approximating trees, European J. Combinatorics 21 (2000), 761-766.

H.-J. Bandelt and V. Chepoi, Decomposition and l_1-embedding of weakly median graphs, European J. Combinatorics 21 (2000), 701-714.

V. Chepoi and B. Fichet, l_infty-Approximation via subdominants, J. Mathematical Psychology 44 (2000), 600-616.

A. Brandstaedt, V. Chepoi, and F. Dragan, Distance approximating trees for chordal and dually chordal graphs, Journal of Algorithms, 30 (1999), 166-184, short version: ESA'97, pp. 78-91.

V. Chepoi, On distance-preserving and domination orderings, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 11 (1998), 414-436.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, Embedding into the rectilinear grid, Networks 32 (1998), 127-132.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, M. Laurent, Embedding into rectilinear spaces, Discrete and Computational Geometry 19 (1998), 595-604.

V. Chepoi, A note on r-dominating clique problem, Discrete Mathematics 183 (1998), 47-60.

A. Brandstädt, F. Dragan, V. Chepoi, V. Voloshin, Dually chordal graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 11 (1998), 437-455, also WG'93 pp. 237-251.

A. Brandstaedt, V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, The algorithmic use of the hypertree structure and maximum neighbourhood orderings, Discrete Applied Mathematics 83 (1998), 121-155, short version: WG'94 pp. 70-80.

V. Chepoi, B. Fichet, A note on circular decomposable metrics, Geometriae Dedicata 69 (1998), 237-240.

A. Brandstaedt, V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Clique r-domination and clique r-packing problems on dually chordal graphs,  SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 10 (1997), 109-127.

V. Chepoi, A T_X approach to some results on cuts and metrics, Advances Applied Mathematics 19 (1997), 453-470.

V. Chepoi, Bridged graphs are cop-win graphs: an algorithmic proof, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser B 69 (1997), 97-100.

V. Chepoi, Peakless functions on graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 73 (1997), 175-189.

V. Chepoi, B. Fichet, Recognition of Robinsonian dissimilarities, J. Classification 14 (1997), 311-325.

V. Chepoi, M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, Clin d'oeil on L_1-embeddable planar graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 80 (1997), 3-19.

V. Chepoi, S. Klavzar, Distances in benzenoid systems: Further developments, Discrete Mathematics 192 (1998) 27-39.

V. Chepoi, A multifacility location problem on median spaces, Discrete Applied Mathematics 64 (1996), 1-29.

V. Chepoi, On staircase starshapedness in rectilinear spaces, Geometriae Dedicata 63 (1996), 321-329.

V. Chepoi, S. Klavzar The Wiener Index and the Szeged Index of Benzenoid Systems in Linear Time J. Chemical Infrmation and Comper Science 37(4) (1997), 752-755.

V. Chepoi, V. Patlatii, C. Prisacaru L_1-embeddability of rectilinear polygons with holes J. Geometry 56 (1996), 18-24.

V. Chepoi, O.Topala Tverberg numbers for cellular bipartite graphs, Archiv der Mathematik 66 (1996), 258-264.

V. Chepoi, On distances in benzenoid systems, J. Chemical Information and Computer Science 36(6) (1996), 1169-1172.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, Embedding metric spaces in the rectilinear plane: a six--point criterion, Discrete and Computationa Geometry 15 (1996), 107-117.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, Graphs of acyclic cubical complexes, European J. Combinatorics 17 (1996), 113-120.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, Cellular bipartite graphs, European J. Combinatorics 17 (1996), 121-134.

H.-J. Bandelt, V. Chepoi, A Helly theorem in weakly modular spaces, Discrete Mathatics 125 (1996) 25-39.

A. Brandstaedt, V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Perfect elimination orderings of chordal powers of graphs, Discrete Mathematics 124 (1996), 273-278.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Condorcet and median points of simple rectilinear polygons, Location Science 4 (1996) 21-35, short version: MFCT'95, pp. 181-190.

V. Chepoi, On starshapedness in products of interval spaces, Archiv der Mathematik 64 (1995), 264-268.

V. Chepoi, Separation of two convex sets in convexity structures, J. Geometry 50 (1994), 30-51.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Computing the median point of a simple rectilinear polygon, Information Processing Letters 49 (1994), 281-285.

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, A linear algorithm for computing a central vertex of a chordal graph, ESA'94, 159-170.

H.-J, Bandelt, V. Chepoi, and M. van de Vel, Pasch-Peano spaces and graphs, Preprint, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (1993).

V. Chepoi, On a property of a space of orderings, Automation and Remote Control 8 (1993), 131-136 (in Russian, English transl.).

V. Chepoi, Centers of triangulated graphs, Mathematical Notes 43 (1988), 143-151.

V. Chepoi, Isometric subgraphs of Hamming graphs and d-convexity, Cybernetics (Kiev) 1 (1988), 6-10.

V. Soltan, V. Chepoi, Conditions for invariance of set diameter under d-convexification in a graph, Cybernetics (Kiev) 6 (1983), 14-18.

V. Chepoi, Classification of graphs by metric triangles, Metody Diskretnogo Analyza (Novosibirsk) 49 (1989), 75-93 (in Russian).

V. Chepoi, S. Yusmanov, A general method of investigation of characteristic of graphs related with eccentricity, Mathematical Problems of Cybernetics (Moskva) 3 (1991), 217--232 (in Russian).

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, A linear time algorithm for computing the link central point of a simple rectilinear polygon, Russian J. Operations Research 2 (1994) (English).

V. Chepoi, F. Dragan, Computing the link diameter of a simple rectilinear polygon in linear time, Computer J. of Moldova 1(3) (1993) 62--74 (English).

F. Dragan, V. Chepoi, Properties of pseudo--median graphs, Operations Reserch and Managment Science (Kiev) 37 (1992), 47--54 (in Russian).

F. Dragan, V. Chepoi, Medians of pseudo--median graphs, Operations Research and Managment Science (Kiev), 35 (1991), 47--56 (in Russian).

V. Chepoi, Solving the generalized Weber problem for discrete median spaces, Cybernetics (Kiev) 1 (1991), 61--69 (in Russian, English transl.).

V. Chepoi, V. Gharibi, P. Soltan, Starshapedness in metric spaces and graphs, Trudy A. Vecua Institute of Appl. Math. Tbilissi State University 21 (1991) 31--53 (in Russian).

V. Chepoi, Convexity and local conditions on graphs, Studies in Applied Mathematics and Information Science, Chisinau Stiinta, 1990, pp. 184–191 (in Russian).

Ch. Prisacaru, P. Soltan, V. Chepoi, On embedding of planar graphs in hypercubes, Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte al Republicii Moldova 1 (1990), 33--40 (Russian).

A. Prisacari, P. Soltan, V. Chepoi, On a decomposing of a polyhedron into parallelelipipeds, Doklady Acad. Sci. Bellorussian SSR 34 (1990), 876--879 (in Russian).

P. Soltan, V. Chepoi, Solution of Weber problem for discrete median metric spaces, Trudy Tbilisskogo Matematiceskogo Instituta 85 (1987), 52--76 (in Russian, English transl.).

V. Soltan, V. Chepoi, Characterization of hypercubes and Hamming graphs in terms of d-convexity, Metody Diskretnogo Analyza (Novosibirsk), 45 (1987), 77--93 (in Russian).

S. Cataranciuc, V. Chepoi, Construction and isomorphism of d-convex simple graphs, Mathematical Research, 96 (1987), Chisinau Stiinta, pp. 64--68 (in Russian).

V. Chepoi, Geometric properties of d-convexity in bipartite graphs, Modelirovanie informacionnych system (1986), Chisinau Stiinta, pp. 88-100 (in Russian).

V. Chepoi, Some properties of domain finite convexity structures, Research on Algebra, Geometry and Applied Mathematics (1986), Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, pp. 142--148 (in Russian).

V. Chepoi, Some properties of d--convexity in triangulated graphs, Mathematical Research, 87 (1986), Chisinau Stiinta, pp. 164--177 (in Russian).

V. Soltan, V. Chepoi, d-Convexity and Steiner function of a graph, Doklady Acad. Sci. Bellorussian SSR 29 (1985), 407--408 (in Russian).

V. Chepoi, Two theorems on d-convex simple planar graphs, Investigations in Numerical Methods and Theoretical Cybernetics (1985), Chisinau Stiinta, pp.120--126 (in Russian).

V. Soltan, V. Chepoi, d-Convex sets in triangulated graphs, Mathematical Research 78 (1984), Chisinau Stiinta, pp. 105--124 (in Russian).

V. Soltan, V. Chepoi, The number of d-convex sets in a graph, Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte al Republicii Moldova 2 (1984), 19--24 (in Russian).

V. Soltan, V. Chepoi, Some classes of d--convex functions in graphs, Soviet Mathematical Doklady 273 (1983), 1314--1317 (in Russian, English transl.).