Resume – CV

Resume updated in september 2024 here

Born on 01-29-1985 in Toulouse, French Citizenship, married, 2 children


  • 2017/now

Assistant professor – Ecole Centrale Marseille – QARMA team – LIS Marseille:
Deep learning, Computer vision

  • 2014/17

Postdoc researcher – Linkmedia team – INRIA Rennes:
Computer vision, Deep learning

  • 2013/14

Postdoc researcher – GREYC – University of Caen:
Computer vision, Deep learning

  • 2012/13

Postdoc researcher – Intelligent Systems LAb (ISLA) University of Amsterdam:
Computer vision, Deep learning

  • 2011/12

Lecturer / Researcher (ATER) – ENSEIRB / Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI):
Computer vision, Augmented reality, Machine learning

  • 2008 – 2011

Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Bordeaux – LaBRI / MIRANE S.A.S.:
Computer vision

  • 2006/07

Master 2 in “Intelligent Systems” at the University of Calgary: (Place: Canada)
Vision, Graphics, Robotics, Real-time, Management, Projects.

  • 2003 – 2006

IUP (Professionalized University Institute) in “Intelligent Systems” (Place: France) at the University Paul-Sabatier (Toulouse):
Computer science, Robotics, Signal processing, Image processing.

  • 2002/03

DEUG MIAS First year degree at the University Paul-Sabatier:
Mathematics, Computer Science.

  • 2002

Scientific Baccalaureat (High School Diploma) in Toulouse.


Computer Science: PYTHON, Matlab, OPENCV, C++, C, JAVA, OPENGL, MAYA, CAML
Practical Projects: Computer science, 3-D Vision, Robotics, Image processing, A.I., Sound processing, Discrete systems, Automation.


  • Data Science, deep learning, big data, databases, projects Ecole Centrale Marseille 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year
  • Databases INSA 2nd year – INSA Rennes
  • Profile projet A.I. Master Intelligent Multimedia Systems – University of Amsterdam
    • Image ReCaptcha
  • Object tracking Master Intelligent Multimedia Systems – University of Amsterdam.
  • Extrême programming Master 2 Computer Science: Software engeneering – University of Bordeaux
    • Initializing interface for a computer vision system
    • Object tracking system
  • Vision project ENSEIRB 5th year Multimedia Technologies: Scene analysis from depth images
  • Video Compression ENSEIRB 5th year Multimedia Technologies
  • Image & sound Master 1 Computer Science: Image & Sound – University of Bordeaux
  • Algorithmic ENSEIRB 3rd year Electronic
  • Introduction to UNIX ENSEIRB 3rd year Electronic
  • Tree structures ENSEIRB 3rd year Computer science
  • Exams surveillance – jury


  • MajecSTIC 2010, HBU work. 2012 (IROS 2012), ICMR 2013, ACM MM 2017, IJCAII 2018, NIPS 2019
  • Program committee Doctorial Symposium ACM Multimedia 2015
  • Expert for NSERC
  • Eurasip JIVP, MTAP, PR, TIP, CVIU, PAMI.


Gabriel Lucas, Chiheb Daaloul, Jules Salzinger, Te cao, Julien Dejasmin, Hichma Kari, Tianfu Li, Pierre Castets, Maxime Plocharski.


French Mother tongue
English Fluent (living for eight months in Canada and four months in England)
German Good level (living for four months in Germany)
Japanese – Spanish – Dutch Basic knowledge


2013 Ultimate frisbee coach
2007 – 2012 Swing dance instructor
2004 – 2006 Certified windsurf instructor – University Paul-Sabatier – France
2005 Summer Animator at St Ferreol Lake (Sail and Kayak instructor) – France
2002 – 2010 Skiing instructor in the Pyrenees – University Paul-Sabatier – France


  • Skiing, Windsurfing, Surfing, Kite-surfing: Sail instructor certified by the FFV (French Sailing Federation)
  • Aikido: 12 years in Club
  • Ultimate Frisbee: french Champion (3rd league 2011, 2nd league 2012), played in first league in 2014.
  • Dance, Music: Playing the drums for six years (three years in a band).
  • Climbing, Diving, Squash, Badminton.
  • Chess