Research office Christophe Gonzales
bâtiment des couches minces
Aix Marseille Université -- campus Saint Jérôme
52 Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niemen
F-13013 Marseille, France
Email: Christophe[dot]Gonzales[at]lis-lab[dot]fr
Teaching office Christophe Gonzales
Office 126
Polytech, bâtiment A
Parc scientifique et technologique de Luminy
163 avenue de Luminy
F-13009 Marseille, France
Email: Christophe[dot]Gonzales[at]univ-amu[dot]fr

A short curriculum vitæ

2019-Now Full professor at Aix-Marseille University. More precisely, I am teaching in the computer science department of Polytech Marseille. I am currently conducting my research activities in the Coala team ("COntraintes, ALgorithmes et Applications") of the Calculation department of the Computer Science research lab of the university, a.k.a. LIS.
2008-2019 Full professor at Paris 6 university. I was conducting my research activities in the Decision Theory team, "DEcision making, Intelligent Systems and Operations Research" department of the Computer Science research lab of the university, a.k.a. LIP6.
1997-2008 Associate professor at Paris 6 university, Decision Theory team of the Computer Science research lab of the university, a.k.a. LIP6.
1993-1996 PhD thesis in Decision Theory, conducted at the LIP6 under Professor Jean-Yves Jaffray's supervision. My work was twofold. First, it consisted in weakening the solvability assumptions guaranteeing additive representability of preferences and, second, I had to provide new elicitation procedures for these utilities. [summary], [whole thesis (french)]
1992 DEA (equivalent to an MSc in Computation) in "Computer Science and Operations Research", Paris 6 university.
Engineer diploma in computer science, Institut d'Informatique d'Entreprise - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Evry, France.

What am I currently doing? (I was also wondering)

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