Javascript implementation of the Abelian Sandpile Model: play it or see the code.
New feature to produce files for laser-cut and 3d-print machines, such as:

JS-Sandpile has been forked as JS-Perco (for bootstrap percolation dynamics) by Victor Lutfalla, who also developped a nice Langton's ant simulator.

Secure eXchange Protocol: Securely exchange anything, anywhere, with anyone.
Wiki of the code is here, wiki of the protocol is here.

CB-Embedded: Conception de systèmes embarqués (Cédric Bérenger).
La route est longue mais la voie est libre...
Anonymity online.
Ateliers sur l'année dans les collèges et lycées.
Stage hippocampe
Trois jours de recherche avec des collégiens et lycéens.
ncase.me/trust [en,fr,es,vn,...]
Evolution of trust according to game theory: {beauti,meaning}ful.
OWNI [fr]
News, augmented. [not active anymore :'( but the content remains in CC!]
Article11 [fr]
Journal independant qui va "a rebours de l'ecrasante cuistrerie ambiante".
CQFD [fr]
Mensuel de critique et d'experimentation sociale.
Le Tigre [fr]
"Curieux magazine curieux".