Kévin Perrot hey, fungal totalistic simulator | sandpile simulator | vulgariser

Luminy - TPR2
Office 05.34

Parc scientifique de Luminy
163, avenue de Luminy - Case 901
F-13288 Marseille Cedex 9

+33(0)4 86 09 04 97
Part of Université publique.

Member of the Natural Computation reasearch group at LIS.

Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes   MCF Laboratory
Aix Marseille Universite   MCF University

PhD Students

2023 -
Aliénor Goubault--Larrecq, on À la Rice complexity bounds for finite dynamical systems..

2023 -
Marius Rolland with Antonio E. Porreca, on Décomposition algébrique de systèmes dynamiques..

2022 -
Léah Tapin with Sylvain Sené, on Mises à jour complexes des réseaux d'automates.

2021 - 2024
Pablo Concha with Eric Goles and Pedro Montealegre, on On the Complexity of Predicting Majority and Sandpile Cellular Automata. [these.fr]

2017 - 2021
Pacôme Perrotin with Sylvain Sené, on Simulation entre modèles de calcul naturel et modularité des réseaux d'automates. [these.fr|TEL]

2016 - 2021
Cédric Bérenger with Peter Niebert, on Grands Réseaux Maillés Basse Énergie: Protocoles minimalistes pour la Synchronisation, la mesure de Distance et le Partitionnement. [these.fr]


Aix Marseille Université - HDR in Theoretical Computer Sciences (Defense page)
at the LIS team CANA.
Title   Études de la complexité algorithmique des réseaux d'automates
Keywords   Algorithmic complexity
Discrete dynamical systems (in time and space)
Automata networks
Interaction graph
Manuscript   pdf in French
Slides   pdf in English

2020 - 2021
Délégation CNRS (half) at I3S Laboratory (UMR CNRS 7271).

2019 - 2020
Délégation CNRS (full) at I3S Laboratory (UMR CNRS 7271).

2014 -
Aix Marseille Université - Maître de Conférences in Theoretical Computer Sciences
member of the Natural Computation reasearch group,
at LIS laboratory (UMR CNRS 7020), formerly at LIF laboratory (UMR CNRS 7279).

2013 - 2014
Universidad de Chile - Postdoc in Theoretical Computer Sciences
at the CMM and part of the project ACGO in association with Ivan Rapaport.

2010 - 2013
ENS de Lyon - PhD in Theoretical Computer Sciences
at the LIP team MC2 and I3S team MC3
codirected with Enrico Formenti and Eric Rémila.
Title   Les piles de sable Kadanoff
Keywords   Discrete Dynamical System
Emergent Structures
Self-Organized Criticality (caution: not defined)
Manuscript   pdf in French

2008 - 2010
UNSA - Master Theoretical Computer Sciences.

2007 - 2008
ENS de Lyon - Licence Theoretical Computer Sciences.

2005 - 2007
IUT A Lyon 1 - DUT Technical Computer Sciences.

Research visits

I3S   Délégation CNRS (half) in 2020-2021
I3S   Délégation CNRS (full) in 2019-2020
Universidad Adolf Ibanez 2 weeks in November 2019
Vien Toan Hoc 2 weeks in March 2019
Universidad Adolf Ibanez 2 weeks in November 2018
Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics 2 weeks in April 2018
Vien Toan Hoc 2 weeks in August 2017
Universidad Adolf Ibanez 1 week in November 2016
Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics May-June 2016
Aalto University March 2016
Universidad de Chile  Center for Mathematical Modeling  Nucleo Milenio ACGO   Postdoc laboratories
Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics June 2014
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon    LIP PhD laboratory 1/2
Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis  I3S   PhD laboratory 2/2
Universidad Adolf Ibanez 2nd half of August 2013
Universidad de Concepcion 1st half of August 2013
Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics Januray 2013
Complex Systems Institute 6 months in 2010
Vien Toan Hoc 3 months in 2009