I enjoy teaching and more generally talking about mathematics,
both with bachelor/master students during lectures/tutorials/practical sessions,
and with highschool students in more informal contexts.
During my PhD thesis I taught several courses in maths and computer science:
Finite Automata, tutorials and practice sessions, 2nd year bachelor,
Complexity Theory, tutorials and practice sessions, 1rst year master,
Introduction to Computer Science, tutorials and practice sessions, 1rst year bachelor,
Introductory Course to Analysis, lecture and tutorials, 1rst year bachelor,
and I also tutored several training courses for highschool students
(maths or computer science training courses, lasting from three days to a week).
All these courses were given in French, so you'll find a more detailed description
of those in French below.
Automates finis
TD/TP niveau L2, Aix-Marseille Université. Programme : AFD-AFN, déterminisation,
minimisation, langages réguliers, etc.
TD/TP niveau M1, Aix-Marseille Université. Programme : analyse de complexité,
classes P et NP, NP-complétude, mini-projets
de programmation (Python, Java ou C).
Mise en oeuvre informatique
TD/TP niveau L1, Aix-Marseille Université. Programme : programmation simple en Python,
notions d'algorithme et de représentation des données.