Kévin Perrot hey, fungal totalistic simulator | sandpile simulator | vulgariser

Luminy - TPR2
Office 05.34

Parc scientifique de Luminy
163, avenue de Luminy - Case 901
F-13288 Marseille Cedex 9

+33(0)4 86 09 04 97
Javascript implementation of the Abelian Sandpile Model: play it or see the code.
New feature to produce files for laser-cut and 3d-print machines, such as:

JS-Sandpile has been forked as JS-Perco (for bootstrap percolation dynamics) by Victor Lutfalla, who also developped a nice Langton's ant simulator.

Secure eXchange Protocol
Secure eXchange Protocol: Securely exchange anything, anywhere, with anyone.
Wiki of the code is here, wiki of the protocol is here.

CB-Embedded: Conception de systèmes embarqués (Cédric Bérenger).

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