Aldo Gonzalez-Lorenzo

My face in 2023

I am associate professor (maître de conférences) at Aix-Marseille Université in Arles, France, and I do my research at the GMOD team of the Laboratoire d'Informatique et des Systèmes (LIS).

The aim of this personal website is to share my research work on computational topology and discrete geometry.

I participate at different research groups: IAPR-TC18, GT GDMM and GTMG.

You can see a list of my publications in dblp and HAL.


You can contact me by:

Skype aldo.gonzalez-lorenzo
Discord aldogl#1379
Physically IUT d'Aix-Marseille, site d'Arles
Rue Raoul Follereau, 13200 Arles [GPS]
Office C07

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