8. Setting TkGate Options

TKGate has several user configurable parameters that can be set by selecting "Options..." under the "File" menu. The options are divided into nine main tabs. Option settings are persistent, being saved in the file ".tkgate2-preferences" in the user's home directory which is read whenever starting TkGate.

8.1 General Options

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These options control the general behavior of TkGate. The options that can be set through this page are:

8.2 Interface Options

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These options control features of the TkGate interface. The options that can be set through this page are:

8.3 Toolbar Options

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These options control which toolbars will be available. The options that can be set through this page are:

8.4 HDL Options

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These options control the behavior of TkGate when editing text HDL modules. The options that can be set through this page are:

8.5 Print Options

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These options control the default printing behavior of TkGate. The options that can be set through this page are:

8.6 Simulate Options

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These options control the simulation behavior of TkGate. The options that can be set through this page are:

8.7 Library Options

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These options control where TkGate looks for libraries and which libraries should be automatically loaded on start-up. The options that can be set through this page are:

8.8 Security Options

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These options control simulator features such as VPDs (Virtual Peripheral Devices) that have potential security implications. Set these carefully when simulating an unknown or untrusted circuit.

8.9 Color Options

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These options control the colors used for various elements in the TkGate interface. The options that can be set through this page are:

8.10 HTML Options

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These options control what TkGate should do when the user clicks on certain hyperlinks in their circuit.