/*============================================================================= * jeu-ezen.c: a variant of the puzzle Loops of Zen * * regis.barbanchon@lis-lab.fr - 13/08/2011 - version 1.2 * * This program is free software under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1. *============================================================================= */ #include #include "ez-draw.h" #define MIN_EDGE_SLOTS 2 #define MAX_EDGE_SLOTS 5 #define MAX_CELL_SLOTS (4 * (MAX_EDGE_SLOTS)) #define MAX_CELL_PATHS (MAX_CELL_SLOTS / 2 + 1) #define MAX_GRID_WIDTH 15 #define MAX_GRID_HEIGHT 15 #define MIN_CELL_RADIUS 15 #define MAX_CELL_RADIUS 45 #define DEF_EDGE_SLOTS 3 #define DEF_GRID_WIDTH 8 #define DEF_GRID_HEIGHT 8 #define DEF_CELL_RADIUS 35 #define DEF_TORIC 0 #define DEF_SHOW_TILES 0 #define DEF_SHUFFLE 1 #define WIN_MARGIN 50 #define TEXT_WIDTH 650 #define BEZIER_STEPS 15 #define ANIM_STEPS 10 #define ANIM_MILLISECS 25 typedef Ez_uint32 ULong; /*============================================================================= * Math *============================================================================= */ #define PI 3.14159265358979 #define EPS 0.000001 #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a)) #define INRANGE(a,x,b) MAX (a, MIN ((x), (b))) double myround (double x) { double f= floor (x); return (x < f + 0.5) ? f : f + 1.0; } /*============================================================================= * Math in the plane *============================================================================= */ typedef struct Coord { double x, y; } Coord; Coord Coord_xy (double x, double y) { Coord coord; coord.x= x; coord.y= y; return coord; } /*============================================================================= * symmetric points wrt origin and axis *============================================================================= */ Coord Coord_neg (Coord p) { return Coord_xy (-p.x, -p.y); } Coord Coord_neg_x (Coord p) { return Coord_xy (-p.x, p.y); } Coord Coord_neg_y (Coord p) { return Coord_xy ( p.x, -p.y); } /*============================================================================= * addition, subtraction of vectors *============================================================================= */ Coord Coord_sub (Coord p, Coord q) { return Coord_xy (p.x-q.x, p.y-q.y); } Coord Coord_add (Coord p, Coord q) { return Coord_xy (p.x+q.x, p.y+q.y); } /*============================================================================= * scaling point wrt origin or specified center *============================================================================= */ Coord Coord_scale (Coord p, double scalar) { return Coord_xy (scalar * p.x, scalar * p.y); } Coord Coord_scale_around (Coord p, double scalar, Coord center) { Coord rel= Coord_sub (p, center); return Coord_add (center, Coord_scale (rel, scalar)); } /*============================================================================= * rotating point wrt origin or specified center *============================================================================= */ Coord Coord_rotate (Coord p, double angle) { double cos_a= cos (angle); double sin_a= sin (angle); return Coord_xy (p.x * cos_a + p.y * -sin_a, p.x * sin_a + p.y * cos_a); } Coord Coord_rotate_around (Coord p, double angle, Coord center) { Coord rel= Coord_sub (p, center); return Coord_add (center, Coord_rotate (rel, angle)); } /*============================================================================= * linear interpolation of two points *============================================================================= */ Coord Coord_lerp (Coord p, Coord q, double alpha) { Coord pq= Coord_sub (q, p); return Coord_add (p, Coord_scale (pq, alpha)); } /*============================================================================= * Bezier cubic *============================================================================= */ Coord Coord_bezierCubic (Coord a, Coord b, Coord c, Coord d, double t) { double s= 1.0 - t; double ss= s*s, sss= ss*s, sst3= 3*ss*t; double tt= t*t, ttt= tt*t, stt3= 3*tt*s; double x= sss* a.x + sst3* b.x + stt3* c.x + ttt* d.x; double y= sss* a.y + sst3* b.y + stt3* c.y + ttt* d.y; return Coord_xy (x, y); } /*============================================================================= * bounding box *============================================================================= */ typedef struct Bound { double left, right, top, bot; } Bound; Bound Bound_create (Coord center, double radius) { Bound b; b.left = center.x - radius; b.top= center.y - radius; b.right= center.x + radius; b.bot= center.y + radius; return b; } Coord Bound_getA (Bound b) { return Coord_xy (b.left , b.top); } Coord Bound_getB (Bound b) { return Coord_xy (b.right, b.top); } Coord Bound_getC (Bound b) { return Coord_xy (b.right, b.bot); } Coord Bound_getD (Bound b) { return Coord_xy (b.left , b.bot); } /*============================================================================= * Additional EZ drawing routines using Coord *============================================================================= */ void myez_draw_line (Ez_window win, Coord a, Coord b) { ez_draw_line (win, myround (a.x), myround (a.y), myround (b.x), myround (b.y)); } void myez_draw_triangle (Ez_window win, Coord a, Coord b, Coord c) { ez_draw_triangle (win, myround (a.x), myround (a.y), myround (b.x), myround (b.y), myround (c.x), myround (c.y)); } void myez_fill_triangle (Ez_window win, Coord a, Coord b, Coord c) { ez_fill_triangle (win, myround (a.x), myround (a.y), myround (b.x), myround (b.y), myround (c.x), myround (c.y)); } void myez_draw_quadrangle (Ez_window win, Coord a, Coord b, Coord c, Coord d) { myez_draw_line (win, a, b); myez_draw_line (win, b, c); myez_draw_line (win, c, d); myez_draw_line (win, d, a); } void myez_fill_quadrangle (Ez_window win, Coord a, Coord b, Coord c, Coord d) { myez_fill_triangle (win, a, b, d); myez_fill_triangle (win, c, b, d); } void myez_draw_bezier (Ez_window win, Coord a, Coord b, Coord c, Coord d, int n) { int k; double t, dt= 1.0 / n; Coord prev= a, curr; for (k= dt, t= 0.0; k < n; k++, t+= dt) { curr= Coord_bezierCubic (a, b, c, d, t); myez_draw_line (win, prev, curr); prev= curr; } curr= d; myez_draw_line (win, prev, curr); } /*============================================================================= * Additional EZ drawing routines... unused in final version *============================================================================= */ void myez_draw_circle (Ez_window win, Coord center, double r) { ez_draw_circle (win, myround (center.x - r), myround (center.y - r), myround (center.x + r), myround (center.y + r)); } void myez_draw_cross (Ez_window win, Coord center, double r) { ez_draw_line (win, myround (center.x - r), myround (center.y - r), myround (center.x + r), myround (center.y + r)); ez_draw_line (win, myround (center.x + r), myround (center.y - r), myround (center.x - r), myround (center.y + r)); } void myez_draw_plus (Ez_window win, Coord center, double r) { ez_draw_line (win, myround (center.x), myround (center.y - r), myround (center.x), myround (center.y + r)); ez_draw_line (win, myround (center.x - r), myround (center.y), myround (center.x + r), myround (center.y)); } /*============================================================================= * Puzzle structs *============================================================================= */ typedef struct Path { int lo_slot, hi_slot; } Path; typedef struct Cell { int slot_flags [MAX_CELL_SLOTS]; int slots [MAX_CELL_SLOTS]; int nb_slots; Path paths [MAX_CELL_PATHS]; int nb_paths; int nb_turns, slerp, max_slerp; } Cell; typedef struct Index { int i, j; } Index; typedef struct Grid { int is_toric, level; int nb_cell_slots, nb_edge_slots; Cell cells [MAX_GRID_HEIGHT][MAX_GRID_WIDTH]; int width, height; Index selected; } Grid; /*============================================================================= * Indexes *============================================================================= */ Index Index_ij (int i, int j) { Index index; index.i= i; index.j= j; return index; } Index Index_null (void) { return Index_ij (-1, -1); } int Index_isNull (Index index) { return index.i < 0 || index.j < 0; } int Index_isEqual (Index index, Index other) { return index.i == other.i && index.j == other.j; } /*============================================================================= * Cells *============================================================================= */ void Cell_initEmpty (Cell * cell) { int k; cell->nb_turns = 0; cell->slerp = 0; cell->max_slerp= ANIM_STEPS; cell->nb_paths= 0; cell->nb_slots= 0; for (k= 0; k < MAX_CELL_SLOTS; k++) { cell->slot_flags [k]= 0; } } double Cell_getAngle (Cell * cell) { double frac= (double) cell->slerp / (double) cell->max_slerp; return (cell->nb_turns + frac) * PI/2.0; } void Cell_incSlerp (Cell * cell, double delta) { cell->slerp += delta; while (cell->slerp >= cell->max_slerp) { cell->nb_turns ++; cell->slerp -= cell->max_slerp; } while (cell->slerp <= - cell->max_slerp) { cell->nb_turns --; cell->slerp += cell->max_slerp; } cell->nb_turns= (cell->nb_turns + 4) % 4; } void Cell_addSlot (Cell * cell, int slot) { if (cell->slot_flags [slot]) return; cell->slot_flags [slot]= -1; cell->slots [cell->nb_slots]= slot; cell->nb_slots ++; } void Cell_addPath (Cell * cell, int slot1, int slot2) { Path * path= & cell->paths [cell->nb_paths]; path->lo_slot= MIN (slot1, slot2); path->hi_slot= MAX (slot1, slot2); cell->nb_paths ++; } void Cell_initPaths (Cell * cell) { int k, slot1, slot2, n= cell->nb_slots; for (k= 1; k < n; k+= 2) { slot1= cell->slots [k-1]; slot2= cell->slots [k ]; Cell_addPath (cell, slot1, slot2); } if (n % 2 == 0) return; slot1= cell->slots [n-1]; slot2= cell->slots [0 ]; Cell_addPath (cell, slot1, slot2); } /*============================================================================= * Grid edges and slots *============================================================================= */ int Grid_getSlotEdge (Grid * grid, int slot) { return slot / grid->nb_edge_slots; } int Grid_getSlotOffset (Grid * grid, int slot) { return slot % grid->nb_edge_slots; } Index Grid_warpIndex (Grid * grid, Index index) { if (! grid->is_toric) return index; return Index_ij ((index.i + grid->height) % grid->height, (index.j + grid->width ) % grid->width); } Index Grid_getIndexTwin (Grid * grid, Index index, int slot) { Index twin; int edge= Grid_getSlotEdge (grid, slot); switch (edge) { case 0: twin= Index_ij (index.i-1, index.j ); break; case 1: twin= Index_ij (index.i , index.j-1); break; case 2: twin= Index_ij (index.i+1, index.j ); break; case 3: twin= Index_ij (index.i , index.j+1); break; default: twin= index; break; } return Grid_warpIndex (grid, twin); } int Grid_getEdgeTwin (Grid * grid, int edge) { (void) grid; return (edge + 2) % 4; } int Grid_getSlotTwin (Grid * grid, int slot) { int edge = Grid_getSlotEdge (grid, slot); int offset = Grid_getSlotOffset (grid, slot); int twin_edge= Grid_getEdgeTwin (grid, edge); return (twin_edge + 1) * grid->nb_edge_slots - (offset + 1); } int Grid_slotEdgesAreEqual (Grid * grid, int slot1, int slot2) { int edge1= Grid_getSlotEdge (grid, slot1); int edge2= Grid_getSlotEdge (grid, slot2); return edge1 == edge2; } int Grid_slotEdgesAreFacing (Grid * grid, int slot1, int slot2) { int edge1= Grid_getSlotEdge (grid, slot1); int edge2= Grid_getSlotEdge (grid, slot2); return edge2 == edge1 + 2 || edge1 == edge2 + 2; } int Grid_slotEdgesAreContiguous (Grid * grid, int slot1, int slot2) { int edge1= Grid_getSlotEdge (grid, slot1); int edge2= Grid_getSlotEdge (grid, slot2); return edge2 == (edge1 + 1) % 4 || edge1 == (edge2 + 1) % 4; } int Grid_slotsAreContiguous (Grid * grid, int slot1, int slot2) { return slot1 == (slot2 + 1) % grid->nb_cell_slots || slot2 == (slot1 + 1) % grid->nb_cell_slots; } double Grid_getSlotLerp (Grid * grid, int slot1, int slot2) { return Grid_slotEdgesAreFacing (grid, slot1, slot2) ? 0.5 : Grid_slotEdgesAreContiguous (grid, slot1, slot2) ? 0.6 : Grid_slotsAreContiguous (grid, slot1, slot2) ? 0.5 : 0.7; } Cell * Grid_getCellAtIndex (Grid * grid, Index index) { if (index.i < 0 || index.i >= grid->height) return NULL; if (index.j < 0 || index.j >= grid->width ) return NULL; return & grid->cells [index.i][index.j]; } void Grid_initEmpty (Grid * grid, int height, int width, int density) { Index index; grid->nb_edge_slots= density; grid->nb_cell_slots= grid->nb_edge_slots * 4; grid->width = width; grid->height= height; grid->level= 0; grid->selected= Index_null (); for (index.i= 0; index.i < grid->height; index.i++) { for (index.j= 0; index.j < grid->width; index.j++) { Cell * cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, index); Cell_initEmpty (cell); } } } int Grid_isUnicellular (Grid * grid) { return grid->width == 1 && grid->height == 1; } int Grid_isPlanarUnicellular (Grid * grid) { return Grid_isUnicellular (grid) && ! grid->is_toric; } void Grid_initSlots (Grid * grid, int level) { int min_count= MIN (2, grid->nb_edge_slots); Index curr_index; grid->level= level; if (Grid_isPlanarUnicellular (grid)) return; for (curr_index.i= 0; curr_index.i < grid->height; curr_index.i++) { for (curr_index.j= 0; curr_index.j < grid->width; curr_index.j++) { Cell * curr_cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, curr_index); int k, count= curr_cell->nb_slots; for (k= 0; k < level || count < min_count; k++) { int curr_slot= ez_random (grid->nb_cell_slots); int twin_slot= Grid_getSlotTwin (grid, curr_slot); Index twin_index= Grid_getIndexTwin (grid, curr_index, curr_slot); Cell * twin_cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, twin_index); if (curr_cell->slot_flags [curr_slot]) continue; if (! twin_cell) continue; count++; Cell_addSlot (curr_cell, curr_slot); Cell_addSlot (twin_cell, twin_slot); } } } } void Grid_initPaths (Grid * grid) { Index index; for (index.i= 0; index.i < grid->height; index.i++) { for (index.j= 0; index.j < grid->width; index.j++) { Cell * cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, index); Cell_initPaths (cell); } } } int Grid_countClashesAtIndex (Grid * grid, Index curr_index) { Cell * curr_cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, curr_index); int k, e= grid->nb_edge_slots, n= grid->nb_cell_slots, count= 0; for (k= 0; k < n; k++) { int k_flag= curr_cell->slot_flags [k]; int k_turned= (k + curr_cell->nb_turns * e ) % n; int j_turned= Grid_getSlotTwin (grid, k_turned); Index twin_index= Grid_getIndexTwin (grid, curr_index, k_turned); Cell * twin_cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, twin_index); if (! twin_cell) { count += !! k_flag; } else { int j= (j_turned - twin_cell->nb_turns * e + n) % n; int j_flag= twin_cell->slot_flags [j]; count += (k_flag && ! j_flag); } } return count; } int Grid_countAllClashes (Grid * grid) { Index index; int count= 0; for (index.i= 0; index.i < grid->height; index.i++) { for (index.j= 0; index.j < grid->width; index.j++) { count += Grid_countClashesAtIndex (grid, index); } } return count; } void Grid_shuffle (Grid * grid) { Index index; for (index.i= 0; index.i < grid->height; index.i++) { for (index.j= 0; index.j < grid->width; index.j++) { Cell * cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, index); cell->nb_turns= ez_random (4); } } } void Grid_unshuffle (Grid * grid) { Index index; for (index.i= 0; index.i < grid->height; index.i++) { for (index.j= 0; index.j < grid->width; index.j++) { Cell * cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, index); cell->nb_turns= 0; } } } void Grid_init (Grid * grid, int is_toric, int height, int width, int level, int density, int shuffle) { grid->is_toric= is_toric; Grid_initEmpty (grid, height, width, density); Grid_initSlots (grid, level); Grid_initPaths (grid); if (shuffle) Grid_shuffle (grid); } int Grid_indexIsOffLimit (Grid * grid, Index index) { return index.i < 0 || index.i >= grid->height || index.j < 0 || index.j >= grid->width; } /*============================================================================= * App/Gui *============================================================================= */ typedef struct App { Grid grid; } App; typedef struct Gui { App * app; double cell_radius; int show_tiles; Ez_window win; int rotation_pending; } Gui; /*============================================================================= * Coords for drawing *============================================================================= */ Coord Gui_getGridSize (Gui * gui) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Coord grid_dim= Coord_xy (grid->width, grid->height); return Coord_scale (grid_dim, 2 * gui->cell_radius); } Coord Gui_getIdealWinSize (Gui * gui) { Coord grid_size= Gui_getGridSize (gui); Coord win_margin= Coord_xy (WIN_MARGIN, WIN_MARGIN); Coord ideal_size= Coord_add (grid_size, Coord_scale (win_margin, 2)); return Coord_xy (MAX (ideal_size.x, TEXT_WIDTH), ideal_size.y); } Coord Gui_getGridCenterCoord (Gui * gui) { Coord ideal_size= Gui_getIdealWinSize (gui); return Coord_scale (ideal_size, 0.5); } Coord Gui_getBotLeftCellCoord (Gui * gui) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Coord center= Gui_getGridCenterCoord (gui); Coord v= Coord_xy (- (grid->width -1), grid->height-1); return Coord_add (center, Coord_scale (v, gui->cell_radius)); } Index Gui_getIndexAtCoord (Gui * gui, Coord pointer) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Coord bot_left= Gui_getBotLeftCellCoord (gui); double scalar= 1.0/(2.0 * gui->cell_radius); Coord v= Coord_neg_y (Coord_scale (Coord_sub (pointer, bot_left), scalar)); Index index= Index_ij (myround (v.y), myround (v.x)); return Grid_indexIsOffLimit (grid, index) ? Index_null () : index; } Coord Gui_getCellCoord (Gui * gui, Index index) { Coord bot_left= Gui_getBotLeftCellCoord (gui); Coord v= Coord_xy (index.j, -index.i); return Coord_add (bot_left, Coord_scale (v, 2*gui->cell_radius)); } Coord Gui_getSlotCoord (Gui * gui, Index index, int slot) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Cell * cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, index); double angle= Cell_getAngle (cell); Coord center= Gui_getCellCoord (gui, index); int edge = Grid_getSlotEdge (grid, slot); int offset= Grid_getSlotOffset (grid, slot); double delta= 2.0 / grid->nb_edge_slots; Coord unit= Coord_xy (1.0 - 0.5*delta - offset*delta, -1.0); Coord scaled = Coord_scale (unit, gui->cell_radius); Coord rotated= Coord_rotate (scaled, - angle - edge * PI/2.0); Coord shifted= Coord_add (center, Coord_neg_y (rotated)); return shifted; } /*============================================================================= * Drawing *============================================================================= */ void Gui_drawCellTile (Gui * gui, Index index, ULong fill, ULong stroke) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Cell * cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, index); double angle= Cell_getAngle (cell); Coord coord= Gui_getCellCoord (gui, index); Bound box= Bound_create (coord, gui->cell_radius-1); Coord a= Coord_rotate_around (Bound_getA (box), angle, coord); Coord b= Coord_rotate_around (Bound_getB (box), angle, coord); Coord c= Coord_rotate_around (Bound_getC (box), angle, coord); Coord d= Coord_rotate_around (Bound_getD (box), angle, coord); ez_set_color ( fill); myez_fill_quadrangle (gui->win, a, b, c, d); ez_set_color (stroke); myez_draw_quadrangle (gui->win, a, b, c, d); } int Gui_getStrokeThick (Gui * gui) { return gui->cell_radius > 30 ? 6 : gui->cell_radius > 20 ? 4 : 3; } int Gui_getFillThick (Gui * gui) { return gui->cell_radius > 30 ? 4 : gui->cell_radius > 20 ? 2 : 1; } void Gui_drawCellPath (Gui * gui, Index index, int k, ULong fill, ULong stroke) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Cell * cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, index); Path * path= & cell->paths [k]; int slot1= path->lo_slot, twin1= Grid_getSlotTwin (grid, slot1); int slot2= path->hi_slot, twin2= Grid_getSlotTwin (grid, slot2); Coord cs1= Gui_getSlotCoord (gui, index, slot1); Coord ct1= Gui_getSlotCoord (gui, index, twin1); Coord cs2= Gui_getSlotCoord (gui, index, slot2); Coord ct2= Gui_getSlotCoord (gui, index, twin2); double alpha= Grid_getSlotLerp (grid, slot1, slot2); Coord cm1= Coord_lerp (cs1, ct1, alpha); Coord cm2= Coord_lerp (cs2, ct2, alpha); ez_set_thick (Gui_getStrokeThick (gui)); ez_set_color (stroke); myez_draw_bezier (gui->win, cs1, cm1, cm2, cs2, BEZIER_STEPS); ez_set_thick (Gui_getFillThick (gui)); ez_set_color (fill); myez_draw_bezier (gui->win, cs1, cm1, cm2, cs2, BEZIER_STEPS); ez_set_thick (1); } void Gui_drawCellPaths (Gui * gui, Index index, ULong fill, ULong stroke) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Cell * cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, index); int k; for (k= 0; k < cell->nb_paths; k++) { Gui_drawCellPath (gui, index, k, fill, stroke); } } void Gui_drawCell (Gui * gui, Index index, ULong fill, ULong stroke) { if (gui->show_tiles) Gui_drawCellTile (gui, index, ez_yellow, ez_blue); Gui_drawCellPaths (gui, index, fill, stroke); } void Gui_drawGrid (Gui * gui) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Index index; for (index.i= 0; index.i < grid->height; index.i++) { for (index.j= 0; index.j < grid->width; index.j++) { int nb_clashes= Grid_countClashesAtIndex (grid, index); ULong fill= nb_clashes ? ez_red : ez_green; ULong stroke= nb_clashes ? ez_black : ez_blue; if (Index_isEqual (index, grid->selected)) continue; Gui_drawCell (gui, index, fill, stroke); } } if (Index_isNull (grid->selected)) return; Gui_drawCell (gui, grid->selected, ez_magenta, ez_black); } void Gui_drawKeyInfo (Gui * gui) { Coord win_size= Gui_getIdealWinSize (gui); ez_set_nfont (0); ez_set_color (ez_blue); ez_draw_text (gui->win, EZ_MC, win_size.x / 2, win_size.y - WIN_MARGIN / 2, "[P]: Planar mode, " "[T]: Toric mode, " "[Arrows]: Resize grid, " "[PgDn/PgUp]: Change edge density,\n" "[S]: Shuffle grid, " "[U]: Unshuffle grid, " "[-/+]: Zoom, " "[V]: Toggle tiles visibility, " "[Esc/Q]: Quit."); } void Gui_drawStatus (Gui * gui) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Coord win_size= Gui_getIdealWinSize (gui); char * mode []= { "Planar", "Toric" }; int nb_clashes= Grid_countAllClashes (grid); if (nb_clashes) { ez_set_nfont (3); ez_set_color (ez_red); ez_draw_text (gui->win, EZ_MC, win_size.x/2, WIN_MARGIN/2, "Restore %d-Dense %dx%d-%s Harmony (%d conflicts)", grid->nb_edge_slots, grid->height, grid->width, mode [grid->is_toric], nb_clashes); } else { ez_set_nfont (3); ez_set_color (ez_blue); ez_draw_text (gui->win, EZ_MC, win_size.x/2, WIN_MARGIN/2, "%d-Dense %dx%d-%s Harmony Achieved !", grid->nb_edge_slots, grid->height, grid->width, mode [grid->is_toric]); } } /*============================================================================= * Grid reset by user *============================================================================= */ void Gui_unshuffleGrid (Gui * gui) { Grid_unshuffle (& gui->app->grid); ez_send_expose (gui->win); } void Gui_reshuffleGrid (Gui * gui) { Grid_shuffle (& gui->app->grid); ez_send_expose (gui->win); } void Gui_regenerateGrid (Gui * gui, int is_toric) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Grid_init (grid, is_toric, grid->height, grid->width, grid->level, grid->nb_edge_slots, 1); ez_send_expose (gui->win); } void Gui_resizeWinToIdeal (Gui * gui) { Coord ideal= Gui_getIdealWinSize (gui); ez_window_set_size (gui->win, ideal.x, ideal.y); } void Gui_resizeGrid (Gui * gui, int dh, int dw) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; int h= INRANGE (1, grid->height + dh, MAX_GRID_HEIGHT); int w= INRANGE (1, grid->width + dw, MAX_GRID_WIDTH ); Grid_init (grid, grid->is_toric, h, w, grid->level, grid->nb_edge_slots, 1); Gui_resizeWinToIdeal (gui); ez_send_expose (gui->win); } void Gui_densifyGrid (Gui * gui, double de) { Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; int e= grid->nb_edge_slots + de; int density= INRANGE (MIN_EDGE_SLOTS, e, MAX_EDGE_SLOTS); Grid_init (grid, grid->is_toric, grid->height, grid->width, density, density, 1); ez_send_expose (gui->win); } void Gui_zoomGrid (Gui * gui, double dr) { double r= gui->cell_radius + dr; gui->cell_radius= INRANGE (MIN_CELL_RADIUS, r, MAX_CELL_RADIUS); Gui_resizeWinToIdeal (gui); ez_send_expose (gui->win); } void Gui_toggleTileVisibility (Gui * gui) { gui->show_tiles= ! gui->show_tiles; ez_send_expose (gui->win); } void Gui_quit (Gui * gui) { (void) gui; ez_quit (); } /*============================================================================= * EZ specific callbacks *============================================================================= */ void onExpose (Ez_event * e) { Gui *gui = ez_get_data (e->win); Gui_drawGrid (gui); Gui_drawStatus (gui); Gui_drawKeyInfo (gui); } void onButtonPress (Ez_event * e) { Gui * gui = ez_get_data (e->win); Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Coord pointer= Coord_xy (e->mx, e->my); Index index= Gui_getIndexAtCoord (gui, pointer); if ( Index_isNull (index )) return; if (! Index_isNull (grid->selected)) return; if (gui->rotation_pending) return; grid->selected= index; gui->rotation_pending= (e->mb % 2) ? 1 : -1; ez_start_timer (e->win, 0); } void onKeyPress (Ez_event * e) { Gui * gui = ez_get_data (e->win); if (gui->rotation_pending) return; switch (e->key_sym) { case XK_Q: case XK_q: case XK_Escape: Gui_quit (gui); break; case XK_U: case XK_u: Gui_unshuffleGrid (gui); break; case XK_S: case XK_s: Gui_reshuffleGrid (gui); break; case XK_P: case XK_p: Gui_regenerateGrid (gui, 0); break; case XK_T: case XK_t: Gui_regenerateGrid (gui, 1); break; case XK_Left : Gui_resizeGrid (gui, 0,-1); break; case XK_Right: Gui_resizeGrid (gui, 0, 1); break; case XK_Down : Gui_resizeGrid (gui,-1, 0); break; case XK_Up : Gui_resizeGrid (gui, 1, 0); break; case XK_Next : Gui_densifyGrid (gui, -1); break; case XK_Prior: Gui_densifyGrid (gui, 1); break; case XK_minus: case XK_KP_Subtract: Gui_zoomGrid (gui, -1); break; case XK_plus: case XK_KP_Add: Gui_zoomGrid (gui, 1); break; case XK_V: case XK_v: Gui_toggleTileVisibility (gui); break; default: break; } } void onTimerNotify (Ez_event * e) { Gui * gui = ez_get_data (e->win); Grid * grid= & gui->app->grid; Cell * cell= Grid_getCellAtIndex (grid, grid->selected); int nb_turns= cell->nb_turns; Cell_incSlerp (cell, gui->rotation_pending); ez_send_expose (e->win); if (cell->nb_turns != nb_turns) { gui->rotation_pending= 0; grid->selected= Index_null (); } else { ez_start_timer (e->win, ANIM_MILLISECS); } } /*============================================================================= * EZ callback diverter *============================================================================= */ void onEvent (Ez_event * e) { switch (e->type) { case Expose : onExpose (e); break; case ButtonPress: onButtonPress (e); break; case KeyPress : onKeyPress (e); break; case TimerNotify: onTimerNotify (e); break; default : break; } } /*============================================================================= * App/Gui init *============================================================================= */ void App_init (App * app, int is_toric, int grid_height, int grid_width, int level, int density, int shuffle) { Grid * grid= & app->grid; Grid_init (grid, is_toric, grid_height, grid_width, level, density, shuffle); } void Gui_init (Gui * gui, App * app, const char win_title [], double cell_radius, int show_tiles) { Coord win_size; gui->app = app; gui->cell_radius= cell_radius; gui->show_tiles= show_tiles; win_size= Gui_getIdealWinSize (gui); gui->rotation_pending= 0; gui->win = ez_window_create (win_size.x, win_size.y, win_title, onEvent); ez_window_dbuf (gui->win, 1); ez_set_data (gui->win, gui); } /*============================================================================= * main *============================================================================= */ int main (void) { App app; Gui gui; if (ez_init() < 0) exit(1); App_init (& app, DEF_TORIC, DEF_GRID_HEIGHT, DEF_GRID_WIDTH, DEF_EDGE_SLOTS, DEF_EDGE_SLOTS, DEF_SHUFFLE); Gui_init (& gui, & app, "Loops of EZen", DEF_CELL_RADIUS, DEF_SHOW_TILES); ez_main_loop (); return 0; }