B. Couëtoux, L. Gourvès, J. Monnot et O. Telelis : Labeled traveling salesman problems: Complexity and approximation. Discrete Optimization, 7(1-2) 74--85, 2010. (preprint)
C. Bazgan, B. Couëtoux et Z. Tuza : Complexity and approximation of the constrained forest problem. Theoretical Computer Science, 2011. (preprint)
B. Couëtoux,L. Gourvès,J. Monnot et O. Telelis : On labeled traveling salesman problems. ISAAC'2008 : International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, volume 5369 de (LNCS), pages 776--787, 2008.
C. Bazgan, B. Couëtoux et Z. Tuza : Covering a graph with a constrained forest (extended abstract).ISAAC'2009 : International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, volume 5878 de LNCS, pages 892--901, 2009.
B. Couëtoux: A 3/2 Approximation for a Constrained Forest Problem. ESA'2011 : European Symposium on Algorithms, 652--663, 2011.
Dernière modification : 7 novembre 2011