Nicola Olivetti's Home Page
Faculty Address 1 : Faculté d'Economie et Gestion (FEG), Site MEGA. 424, Chemin du Viaduc 13080 Aix-en-provence, (France)
Faculty Address 2 : Faculté d'Economie et Gestion (FEG), Espace Forbin 15-19 Allée Claude Forbin,
13627 Aix-en-provence, (France)
I am Professor of Computer Science at Aix-Marseille University (AMU) in the Faculté d'Economie et Gestion (FEG)
and I am a member of the CNRS Laboratory LIS .
My main research interests are in the area of logic and automated reasoning:
- Modal, Deontic and Conditional Logic
- Proof-theory and automated Deduction
- Description logics
- Membre de la Commission ATER/CME de la FEG
- Membre de la Commission Contract doctoraux du LIS
- Co-Responsable du pôle Calcul du laboratoire LIS jusqu'au 1/09/2023
- Responable de la Licence Informatique Miage jusqu'au 1/09/2022
- Membre de la Commission CVEC de Aix en Provence jusqu'au 2020
- Membre du Conseil de La Faculté d'Economie et Gestion (FEG) jusqu'au 2019
- Adjoint au directeur du LSIS jusqu'au 31/12 2017
- Responsable de l'équipe INCA du LISIS (Head of LSIS INCA) jusqu'à novembre 2015
- Responsable du Parcours Informatique du Master Recherche LSIS
List of Publications in DBLP
Teaching Activity (in French): connect to AMU Intranet
IJCAR 2016
Book: Proof Theory for Fuzzy Logics
(by G. Metcalfe, N. Olivetti, and D. Gabbay)
Springer's webpage
AIML 2020
Proceedings of AIML 2020
Theorem Provers
TU-CLEVER: a Theorem Prover for Lewis Conditional Logic with Uniformity and Reflexivity
HYPNO: a Theorem Prover based on Hypersequent calculi for non-normal modal logic
PRONOM: a Theorem Prover based on Labelled calculi for non-normal modal logic
VINTE: a Theorem Prover for
Lewis' logic of counterfactual reasoning
NESCOND: a Theorem Prover for
Conditional Logic based on Nested Sequent Calculi
CSLLean 1.0: a Theorem Prover for
the Logic of Comparative Concept Similarity
CONDLean: a Theorem Prover for
Conditional Logic based on Labelled Calculi
Technical Reports