is a DEVS/GDEVS simulation framework for designing discrete event systems and carrying out simulations. Its kernel is designed in Java © using design patterns with respect to abstract hierarchical simulator described by Zeigler (2000). One main feature of fwkDEVS framework is the definition of the priority function select() to synchronize concurrent components and carrying out the right and excepted behavior; whereas existing simulators like adevs, devsjava, etc. based on the parallel-DEVS simulator kernel incite designers to develop specific models in DEVS to dipatch correctly events to conflicting components. Note that a small effort is required to code the function select() in order to define the different conflicting cases.

In addition, fwkDEVS supports GDEVS simulations. Consequently such models may be easily switched to DEVS in object oriented paradigm.

For research, education or personnal use, you can download the simulation library fwkdevs v0.7 and the eclipse fwkDEVS project (© 2015).

You can contact the designer and developer of fwkDEVS Amine HAMRI by email at amine.hamri[a.t]


Hamri M. and Lassaad B. (2010). On using design patterns for DEVS modeling and simulation tools. Spring Simulation Multiconference - Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (DEVS'10), Orlando, FL, USA

Giambiasi, N., Escude, B., and Ghosh, S. (2000). GDEVS: A generalized discrete event specification for accurate modeling of dynamic systems. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 17(3):120–134.

Zeigler B. P., Praehofer H., and Kim T. G. (2000). Theory of Modeling and Simulation. Academinc Press. Copyright © 1999-" . date("Y") . "

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