Résumé :
An operation on a set A is a map from An to A, where n is the arity of
the operation. An algebra is a nonempty set endowed with a collection
of operations. A congruence of an algebra A is an equivalent relation
compatible with the operations. The lattice of congruences of A,
dentoed Con A is the set of all congruences of A. It is a lattice for
inclusion. The set of all finitely generated congruences of A is a
(∨, 0)-semilattice, denoted by Conc A. If a (∨, 0)-semilattice S is
isomorphic to Conc A, we say that A is a lifting of S. Let V be a
variety (equational class) of algebras. The congruence class of V,
denoted by Conc V is the class of all (∨, 0)-semilattice with a
lifting in V. The congruence class of very few varieties of algebras
have a good description. There is no chance in general to find such
description. However, often it seems
possible to describe inclusion of classes of congruences. Let V and W be varieties
of algebras. The critical point between V and W is defined as
crit(V; W) = min{card S | S ∈ (Conc V) − (Conc W)}, if Conc V ⊆ Conc W,
∞, if Conc V ⊆ Conc W.
In this talk, we show tools that are used to compute critical points and example
of their uses.