I am a full professor in the Distributed ALGOrithms research team, in Laboratoire d’Informatique et Systèmes.
Research Interests: Models and Software for Concurrent and Distributed Algorithms
- Distributed Algorithms
- Structural Properties and Distributed Computability
- Termination Detection
- Reliability and Fault-Tolerance
- Topological and Geometrical Methods in Computer Science
- Graphs Combinatorics
- Visualization and Simulation
See my list of publications at DBLP.
Research Networks and Projects Memberships
- DUCAT (ANR 2020-2024)
DESCARTES(ANR BLANC 2017-2021)MACARON(ANR JCJC 2014-2017)DISPLEXITY(ANR BLANC 2012-2015) (informal)project SHAMAN(ANR VERSO 2009-2012)project PANDA(ANR BLANC 2009-2012), local coordinatorproject SOAPDC(ANR JCJC, 2005-2008)project TAGADA(ANR JCJC, 2004-2007), primary investigator.